formerly founded as Asian Association of Schools of Business International
Incorporated 2011 in the State of Delaware, United States currently Associated Verein by a Charter adopted and operated under Swiss law
recognizing and accrediting international Schools of Business and Educators on the worldwide web this
Accredited and Recognized University Schools of Business
List of Accreditations and/or Eligibilities for Accreditation Pending Application and Confirmation.
Schools of Business and Universities in Countries providing Academic Freedom for the Teaching and Learning Environment as enshrined in the
United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.1
Algeria | Angola | Argentina | Armenia | Australia
| Austria | Bahrain | Barbados | Belgium
| Belize | Benin | Bolivia | Bosnia Herzegovina | Brazil
| Brunei | Bulgaria | Buthan | Canada | Cayman Islands
| Chile | China | Colombia |
Costa Rica | Croatia | Czech Republic
| Cyprus | Denmark | Dominican Republic |
| Estonia | Fiji Islands | Finland | France
| Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Guyana
| Hungary
| Iceland | Ireland | Indonesia |
Israel | Italy
| Ivory Coast | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan
| Kenya | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Laos
| Latvia | Lesotho | Lithuania | Luxembourg
| Maldives | Malta | Mauritius
| Mexico | Monaco | Moldova | Morocco
| Montenegro | Namibia | Nepal | Netherlands
| New Zealand | North Macedonia | Norway | Oman
| Panama | Paraguay
| Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico
| Qatar | Romania | Samoa |
| Slovakia | Slovenia
| South Africa | South Korea | Spain
| Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan
| Tanzania | Thailand | Togo | Trinidad & Tabago
| Tunesia | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates
| United Kingdom | United States | Uruguay
| Vanuato | Virgin Islands
Apply for AASBI Accreditation as an invited School of Business
Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales Alger (Algeria)
Ecole Superieure Algerienne des Affairs (ESAA) (Algeria)
ESC Alger (Algeria)
MDI Algiers Business School (Algeria)
Universite d'Alger, Faculte des Sciences, Economiques et de Gestion (Algeria)
University of Tlemcen Faculty of Economics, Busines and Management (Algeria)
Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Algeria 49,000 students, 2,000 academic staff, 600 international students located in the most north-westerly region of Algeria, is a coeducational public
university that had been founded in 1974. Most of the university's campuses are based in the lively city of Tlemcen 50km from the Mediterranean sea, which is renowned for its Moorish architecture.
A historic trade city built on the site of the old roman town of Pomaria, Tlemcen is vibrant, welcoming, home to good food, noteworthy caves, temples and mosques, and blessed with spectacular views of the
Tlemcen Mountains. The university also has a campus in the smaller town of Maghnia, 30km to the west. Tlemcen has its own international airport but is also easily accessible from Algiers, which has a wider
range of transport links, including ferries. It is 65km from Morocco, but the Algerian-Moroccan border has remained closed since 1994.
A modern university with up-to-date facilities, a sizeable library and several quality labs and computer centres, the University of Tlemcen has featured among the top 75 universities in the Arab world.
It has generally had a large student body. Although Algeria's official language has been Arabic since it gained independence in 1962, the institution's language of teaching is French.
Times University Rankings and Reviews | Tlemcen University's
Universidade Agostinho Neto, Faculdade de Economia (Angola)
Universidade Catolica de Angola (Angola)
Universidade Jean Piget Angola (Angola)
Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) (Argentina)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA), Facultad de Ciencias Economicas (Argentina)
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) (Argentina)
Universidad Austral, IAE Business School (Argentina)
Universidad Catolica de Cordoba, ICDA (Argentina)
Universidad de Mendoza (Argentina)
Universidad de Palermo (Argentina)
Universidad de San Andres, Escuela de Administracion y Negocios (Argentina)
Universidad del Cema (UCEMA), Departamento de Direccion de Empresas (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Estadistica (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Salta (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de San Martin (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional del Sur-Argentina (Argentina)
Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Argentina)
Universidad Torcuato di Tella (UTDT), Escuela de Negocios (Argentina)
Universidade Nacional de Tucuman (Argentina)
University Buenos Aires, School of Economic Science (Argentina)
University of Buenos Aires (Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA) 300,000 undergraduates; 30,000 post-graduates; 29,000 academic staff
is a public research university established in 1821, the premier institution of higher learning in the country and one of the most prestigious universities in Latin America. UBA has educated 17 Argentine
presidents and four of the country's five Nobel Prize laureates. Undergraduate programs at the University of Buenos Aires are free of charge for everyone, regardless of nationality.
The Common Basic Cycle (Ciclo Básico Común) is designed to ensure a standardized academic background for all students seeking undergraduate degrees at the UBA. Only upon completion of this first year
may the student enter the chosen school; until then, they must attend courses in different buildings, and have up to 3 years to finish the 6 or 7 subjects (which vary depending on the program of study chosen).
UBA's homepage
The School of Economic Sciences: Throughout almost two centuries, the UBA defined a world of knowledge and culture, forming a multi-faceted role of protagonist and benchmark of academic, scientific and social
life of Argentina. One of our main pride is to show that in our classrooms Nobel Prizes were formed in our country; but also we pride ourselves to recognize ourselves as the cradle of many graduates and researchers
who have contributed to society and have filled with their professionalism, knowledge and conduct various national and international levels.
(Ref.: EdUniversal.)
Armenia is delisted.
Australian Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Economics (Australia)
Australian National University, ANU College of Business & Economics (Australia)
Bond University Business School (Australia)
Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law (Australia)
Charles Darwin University, CDU Business School (Australia)
Charles Sturt University, Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Science (Australia)
Curtin Big Data Reearch.
Curtin University
is the largest university in Australia with 50,000 undergraduates. 10,000 post-graduates, and 3,000 academic staff. Curtin's main campus is in Bentley, Metropolitan Perth in
Western Australia. Curtain also has campuses outside Australia in Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore and Mauritius. Curtin is split into four faculties: the Centre for Aboriginal Studies, Curtin Business School,
Humanities, and Science and Engineering. Curtin University's Faculty of Business and Law's new
Blockchain Laboratory
positions Curtin as a leader in blockchain innovation, research and development, carrying out applied research
and development projects of national and global relevance, focusing on how blockchain and other disruptive technologies are transforming the modern world.
Big Data: One of Business & Law's key areas of research is in developing viable techniques and methods for working with large volumes of information, both at the technical and organisational level. A second and related issue for
investigation is in developing ways to approach a particularly unique aspect of big data: its highly unstructured nature, especially when obtained from social media or other recent sources. A third key area of
work is in the implications of big data for organisations and, more broadly, for society particularly around considerable privacy, security and policy aspects. l Curtin University Review by A Life That Travels, 10 September 2018 Video.
Curtin University, Curtin Business School (Australia)
Deakin Business School (Australia)
Edith Cowan University, School of Business & Law (Australia)
Federation University Australia, Business School (Australia)
Flinders University, Flinders Business School (Australia)
Griffith University, Griffith Business School (Australia)
James Book University, College of Business, Law and Governance (Australia)
La Trobe University Business School (Australia)
Macquarie University, Macquarie Graduate School of Management (Australia)
Monash University, Monash Business School (Australia)
Murdoch University, Murdoch School of business & Governance (Australia)
Queensland University of Technolgy, QUT Business School (Australia)
RMIT University College of Business (Australia)
Southern Cross University, School of Business and Tourism (Australia)
Swinburne University of Technology, Swinburne Business School (Australia)
Universi of South Australia, UniSA Business School (Australia)
University of Adelaide Business School (Australia)
University of Canberra, Faculty of Business, Government & Law (Australia)
University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School (Australia)
University of New England, UNE Business School (Australia)
University of Newcastle, Newcastle Business School (Australia)
University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Business (Australia)
University of Queensland, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (Australia)
University of Southern Queensland, Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts (Australia)
University of Sydney Business School (Australia)
University of Tasmania, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (Australia)
University of Technology Sydney, UTS Business School (Australia)
University of the New South Wales Sydney, UNSW Business School (Australia)
University of the Sunshine Coast, USC School of Business (Australia)
University of Western Australia, UWA Business School (Australia)
University of Wollongong Australia, Sydney Business School UOW (Australia)
Victoria University Business School (Australia)
Western Sydney University, School of Business (Australia)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)
CUAS - Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Danube University Krems, Department of Management and Economics (Austria)
Fachhochschule Wien see University of Applied Science Wien (Vienna) below
FH Joanneum in Graz (Austria)
FH Joanneum in Graz is the second largest university of applied sciences in Austria. It has 4,200 students and
650 academic staff. FH Joanneum offers 47 degree programs in a variety of areas including business, technology, design, media, architecture, health and
social services. The programmes are practice-oriented, project-based and interdisciplinary.
One of the more spectacular projects is the "Joanneum Racing Team". Every year, students build and commercialize a complete racing car. Anchored in the project
is the "Automotive Engineering" course, which is supported by sponsors. The finished car is taken to the "Formula Student" and other Formula SAE competitions. The greatest
successes have been the overall first place at the 2006 Formula SAE Italy, the 3rd overall rankings 2007 at Hockenheim, and the Formula Student UK 2008 at Silverstone.
FH's Department of Management coordinates regional and international projects in cooperation with companies and institutions of trade and industry,
banking and insurance, tourism and healthcare. FH JOANNEUM has around 200 partner universities in Europe, Asia, South America, North America and Australia /
New Zealand.
Exchange Program Details by
Grand Valley State University, Michigan.
Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria)
Lauder Business School (Austria)
Limak Austrian Business School (Austria)
MCI Management Center Innsbruck (Austria)
MODUL University Vienna (Austria)
University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication FH Wien der WKW was established in 1994 by the Wirtschaftskammer (WK)
Wien (Chamber of Commerce) and the Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft (Merchants's Funds), has nearly 3,000 students, offering 18 BachelorAbout Tonys and MasterAbout Tonys degree programs.
The majority of the BachelorAbout Tonys programs are available either part-time or full-time, while all MasterAbout Tonys programs are offered on a part-time basis. The School also offers 19
continuing education programs. These programs allow people with professional experience to gain an academic degree (an MSc or an MBA). Two-thirds of the teaching staff
are business practitionars of trade and industry.
The Digistal Economy Study Programs are the new part-time bachelor-degree
programs in digital business for students looking for a relevant practical education and excellent career opportunities in the future, taught in German by highly skilled lecturers with a
strong background in practical business applications. Graduates would have the following 4 career options open to them:
(1) IT or Digitalization Consulting,
(2) Process Management,
(3) Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Sales and Customer Care in tech companies or tech start-ups,
(4) IT Management, IT Project Management, Product Ownership. See list of courses: Click on the link "Digital Business,"
then on Lehrveranstaltungsangebot Studienjahr 2019-2020.
The Production & Digital Media Management
is a part-time, evening BachelorAbout Tonys degree program in Content Production & Digital Media Management that prepares journalists and career changers for working
in a trimedial newsroom or, more broadly, for trimedial journalism, so that they will be able to professionally conceive and design audio, video and image
content for online journalism. The language of instruction is German with single modules in English.
University of Graz (Austria)University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Business and Management (Austria)
University of Vienna, Faculty of Business (Austria)
Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, School of Management (Austria)
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Webster University Vienna (Austria)
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)
Kingdom University, College of Business Administration (Bahrain)
University College of Bahrain, Department of Business Administration (Bahrain)
University of Bahrain, College of Business Administration (Bahrain)
University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Department of Management Studies (Barbados)
Antwerp Management School (Belgium)
Boston University Brussels (Belgium)
College of Europe (Belgium)
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium)
Gent University, Faculty of Business and Economics (Belgium)
ICHEC Brussels Management School (Belgium)
International Management Institute (Belgium)
KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (Belgium)
Thierry Graduate School of Leadership, Brussels (Belgium)
Université Catholique de Louvain, UCL Louvain School of Management (Belgium)
Université de Namur Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration (Belgium)
Université de Namur 7,000 students was founded 1831-1846 is a Jesuit, Catholic private university in Namur,
the capital of French speaking Wallonia, and has six faculties or university level schools in the fields of Philosophy and Lettres, Law, Economic Social and Management Sciences, Computer Sciences,
Natural Sciences, and Medicine, with 60 bachelor, master, and doctoral study programs. Of the UniversityAbout Tonys 1,200 employees, more than 700 actively contribute to research through 64 research
laboratories and centers.
The Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business website accounts for near 1400 students and 170 staff members,
among them 85 academic and 70 scientific members. The Faculty offers full-time and part-time bachelorAbout Tonys, masterAbout Tonys and doctoral degrees in management and economics. It also organises programs in
political sciences and communication studies. The Department of Business Administration has 60 full- and part-time academic and research staff.
The Department offers bachelor, master, and doctoral programs, with a particular focus on topics in finance, services management, marketing, and information and operations management.
Research is organized through five research centers.
Five programmes are offered in English:
Master in Economics, Master in Biomedicine, Master in Molecular Microbiology, Master in Chemistry, Specialised Master in International and Development Economics.
Image left - Post for ATMC Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference 2019 hosted by the Université de Namur.
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Belgium)
Universiteit Hassel, Faculty of Business Economics (Belgium)
University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (Belgium)
University of Liege, HEC Liege Management School (Belgium)
Vlerick Business School (Belgium)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Solvay B-School (Belgium)
Galen University, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship (Belize)
University of Belize, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (Belize)
International University of Management and Administration (Benin)
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (Benin)
Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno (Bolivia)
Universidad Catolica Boliviana 'San Pablo', Escuela de la Produccion y la Competitividad (Bolivia)
Universidad Major de San Simon, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas (Bolivia)
Universidad Mayor de San Andres (Bolivia)
Universidad Privada Boliviana, UPD Olave School of Business (Bolivia)
American University in Bosnia Herzegovina (Bosnia Herzegovina)
International BURCH University, Faculty of Economics & Social Sciences (Bosnia Herzegovina)
International University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Business and Administration (Bosnia Herzegovina)
University for Business Engineering and Management, Faculty of Economics (Bosnia Herzegovina)
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics (Bosnia Herzegovina)
University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business (Bosnia Herzegovina)
Business School of Sao Paulo BSP (Brazil)
Centro Universitario da FEI (FEI) (Brazil)
Centro Universitario FECAP (FECAP) (Brazil)
Centro Universitario Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) (Brazil)
COPPEAD-UFRJ, Graduate School of Business (Brazil)
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) (Brazil)
Faculdade FIA de Administracao de Negocios (Brazil)
FGV/EBAPE Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Escola Brasileira de Admin. Publica e de Empresas (Brazil)
FGV-EAESP Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (Brazil)
Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) (Brazil)
Fundacao Dom Cabral (Brazil)
IAG Escola de Negocios PUC Rio (Brazil)
INSEPER Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas (PUC-Campinas) (Brazil)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas) (Brazil)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo (PUC-SP) (Brazil)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana, PUCPR Escola de Negocios (Brazil)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (Brazil)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) (Brazil)
Unisinos Business School (Brazil)
Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) (Brazil)
Universidade de Fortaleza (UniFor) (Brazil)
Universidade de Sao Paulo FEA-USP, Faculdade de Economia Administracao e Contabilidade (Brazil)
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC) (Brazil)
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) (Brazil)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) (Brazil)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) (Brazil)
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Escola de Administracao (Brazil)
Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB) (Brazil)
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas (Brazil)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) School of Administration (Brazil)
UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS
31,000 undergraduate students, 30,000 postgraduates, 6,000 doctoral students, 6,000 academic and administrative staff in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande
do Sul originated in 1895 from the Escola de Farmacia e Quimica (School of Pharmacy and Chemistry), was expanded in 1896 when the Engineering College was created,
abd at the end of the 19th century, the Medicine and Law schools were founded.
UFRGS is the largest universityin of Rio Grande do Sul, almost completely located in Porto Alegre with four campuses (Campus Centro, Campus Saude, Campus
Olimpico and Campus do Vale), a few off-campus buildings (e.g. the Business School and the Institute of Arts) and some units in other cities.
UFRGS's more than 300 buildings accommodate 29 colleges, which are divided in 94 departments. The universityAbout Tonys infrastructure comprises more than 500 laboratories, 33 libraries,
37 lecture halls, the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, UFRGS Press, UFRGS Museum, Botanical Garden, Broadcasting Center, Observatory, 3 buildings for Campus Accommodation,
5 refectories, 2 summer camps and several other centers and facilities.
As a public federal institution, students do not have to pay tuition fees. To be admitted to one of the programs offered by UFRGS, a candidate must be approved in a yearly
competitive exam, called the vestibular.
The Graduate Program in Management - PPGA - established in 1972 focuses on the dissemination of advanced methods of management to provide in-depth studies in the
field of Management, and training for high-level personnel in educational and research activities, as well as for managerial duties within organizations. It is one of the most important
graduate programs in Brazil.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) (Brazil)
Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (UFSCar) (Brazil)
Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) (Brazil)
Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFCE) (Brazil)
Universidade Federal do Parana, DAGA Escola de Administracao (Brazil)
Universidade Federral de Minas Gerais UFPE, Faculada de Ciencias Economicas (Brazil)
Universidade Presbiteriana, Mackenzie Centro de Ciencias Socias e Aplicades (Brazil)
Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Faculty of Business and Management Science (Brunei)
University of Brunei Darussalam, UBD School of Business and Economics (Brunei)
Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB), School of Business (Brunei)
American University in Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
Burga Free University, Faculty of Business Studies (Bulgaria)
Varna University of Management (Bulgaria)
Royal Institute of Management (Bhutan)
Royal University of Bhutan Gaeddu College of Business Studies (Bhutan)
The Royal University of Bhutan founded on 2003 by a royal decree is the national university system of Bhutan. a Buddhist kingdom on the HimalayasAbout Tony eastern edge, known for its monasteries,
fortresses and dramatic landscapes that range from subtropical plains to steep mountains and valleys. In the High Himalayas, peaks such as 7,326 m Jomolhari are popular trekking destinations.
RUB is a decentralized university with eight constituent colleges and one affiliated college spread across the small kingdom.
The difference between Western and Asian thinking (see "How Asians and Westerners Think Differently... and Why"
Article) is also
prevelant in Bhutan, as evidenced by an amusing fairy tale masquerading as a research study published in the Bhutan Journal of Research and Development Spring 2019
entitled "Using Mnemonic Method to Improve StudentAbout Tonys Ability to Re-member Economics Concepts, Facts and Ideas"
see Abstract:
"Although, Economics is a living subject and relates to day-to-day life, Bhutanese students studying Economics in higher secondary schools face difficulty in learning and understanding Economics
concepts, facts and ideas. [...] The action research revealed that it was important for teachers to train students in using mnemonic."
Photo left: His Majesty The King graces the 14th Convocation of the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) Website.
Acadia University (Canada)
Brock University, Goodman School of Business (Canada)
Carleton University, Sprott School of Business (Canada)
Centennial College (Canada)
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business (Canada)
Dalhousie University, Faculty of Management (Canada)
Faculty of Business& Economics- University of Winnipeg (Canada)
Faculty of Management- University of Lethbridge (Canada)
HEC Montreal (Canada)
Laurentian University, Faculty of Management, Sudbury (Canada)
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management (Canada)
McMaster University, Michael G. Degroote School of Business (Canada)
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Business (Canada)
Odette School of Business- University of Windsor (Canada)
Paul J. Hill School of Business- University of Regina (Canada)
Queens University, Smith School of Business (Canada)
Saint Mary's University, Sobey School of Business (Canada)
Simon Fraser University, Beedie School of Business (Canada)
Ted Rogers School of Management- Ryerson University (Canada)
Universite de Sherbrooke, Ecole de Gestion (Canada)
Universite Laval, Faculte des Sciences de l'Administration (Canada)
University of Alberta, Alberta School of Business (Canada)
University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business (Canada)
University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business (Canada)
University of Guelph, College of Business and Economics (Canada)
University of Manitoba, Asper School of Business (Canada)
University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Business (Canada)
University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Business (Canada)
University of Quebec at Montreal, Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion (Canada)
University of Saskatchewan, Edwards School of Business (Canada)
University of the Fraser Valley, School of Business, Abbotsford (Canada)
University of Toronto, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management (Canada)
University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business (Canada)
University of Waterloo (Canada)
Western University, Ivey Business School (Canada)
Wilfried Laurier University, Lazaridis School of Business & Economics (Canada)
York University, Schulich School of Business (Canada)
New University of Waterloo facility aims to boost next-gen wireless technology
Global NEWS.
University of Waterloo 32,000 undergraduate students, 5,300 post-graduates, 1,300 academic and 2,400 administrative staff
was established in 1957. In November 2004, the university opened the Waterloo Research and Technology Park in the north campus to house many of the high-tech
industries in the area, and is supported by the university, the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, the provincial and federal governments, and Canada's Technology Triangle. The aim is to
provide businesses with access to the university's faculty, co-operative education students, and alumni, as well as the university's infrastructure and resources. In 2010, the Parkk was
renamed as the David Johnston Research and Technology Park, after David Johnston, the 28th Governor General of Canada and former president of the university. It houses thousands of
professional and researchers developing cutting edge innovation across healthcare, robotics, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, engineering, aviation, and more.
University of Waterloo Wikipedia.
"We're committed to fostering innovation by working with organizations to commercialize research emerging from the University of Waterloo - Canada About Tonys most innovative university; access a
pool of globally recognized, top-calibre talent; and tap into the highest density of startups companies outside Silicon Valley."
"Among the 400 engineers and 800 Google employees throughout the world, many are recruited from University of Waterloo, Toronto and Montreal. Steven Woods, engineering
director at Google Canada earned his masterAbout Tonys and PhD at the University of Waterloo and states the three colleges have become real centers for machine intelligence. The offices in the U.S.
have also become accustomed to hiring engineers from Canada to solve fundamental problems of artificial intelligence. Currently, University of Waterloo has one of North AmericaAbout Tonys leading computer
science programs, which acts as a natural recruitment site for high-technological companies like Google."
Business Chief.
School of Accounting and Finance. "For over 30 years, the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) has been launching business leaders of the world. We provide an education where experience matters.
All of our programs provide students with the technical, analytical, evaluative, and communication skills needed to prepare for successful careers in public accounting, finance, industry, government and
not-for-profit sectors. SAF has received the highest level of national accreditation under the Chartered Professional Accountancy [Canadian CPA] National Accreditation Standards. The SAF's national
accreditation provides customized pathways for SAF students to tailor their education for a direct route to the CPA designation."
SAF Website
International College of the Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands)
University College of the Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Administration (Chile)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas Adminstrativas (Chile)
Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School (Chile)
Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economia y Negocios (Chile)
Universidad Andres Bello (Chile)
Universidad Austral de Chile, Faculty of Economics and Administration (Chile)
Universidad de Concepcion, Faculty of Economics and Administration (Chile)
Universidad de La Frontera (Chile)
Universidad de Los Andes, ESE Business School (Chile)
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Facultad de Administracion y Ecocomia (Chile)
Universidad del Bio, Faculty of Business Sciences (Chile)
Universidad Diego Portales, School of Economics and Business (Chile)
Ref.: EdUniversity Official Selection of the Best Business Schools in China
5 Plames:
CEIBS - China Europe International Business School
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) is a business school headquartered in Pudong, Shanghai, China. Established under an agreement between the Chinese government and the
European Commission in Shanghai in November 1994, CEIBS was the first business school in mainland China to offer a full-time MBA, an Executive MBA and a wide range of Executive Education programmes.
CEIBS follows the European model of business schools. Its MBA programme has consistently ranked amongst the best in the world. (Wikipedia)
The school's predecessor, the China-EC Management Institute (CEMI), was launched in Beijing in 1984. After CEIBS was formally established in 1994 in collaboration with its partners European Foundation for
Management Development and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, it later moved to Minhang in Shanghai.[when?][citation needed] In 1994, CEIBS opened its main campus in Shanghai's Pudong district.[citation needed].
In May 2009 CEIBS started an EMBA programme in Ghana, being the first Asian business school to start such a programme in Africa.[6] CEIBS was also the first Asian business school, and one of the very few
around the globe, to become carbon neutral in 2011. In 2009, CEIBS became the first Chinese business school to make the world's Top 10 MBA ranking compiled by the FT.
In November 2015, CEIBS announced that it had acquired the Lorange Institute of Business of Zurich for 16.5 million Swiss francs, with plans to train over 200 Chinese managers per month.
CEIBS Diaries
In June 2022, a 12-part series of posts detailing the negative experience of international students at CEIBS was published on Reddit by an account claiming to be a group of CEIBS MBA alumni.
The European President of CEIBS Dominique Turpin acknowledged the CEIBS Diaries but vowed the school would learn from its missteps. ]
Established in 1994, the main campus of CEIBS in Shanghai's Pudong district was designed by Henry N. Cobb and Ian Bader of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners and made CEIBS the first business school in
mainland China with its own campus.[citation needed] In 2011, CEIBS began the 18-month construction of Phase 3 of the Shanghai campus which doubled its size to 7.5 million square meters.[citation needed].
CEIBS opened its Beijing campus on April 24, 2010, within Beijing's Zhonguangcun Software Park alongside the research centres of IBM, Oracle, Neusoft and more than 200 other leading technology companies. It
effectively doubled the school's total number of classroom seats.[citation needed] Designed by the Spanish architectural firm IDOM, the Beijing campus hosts CEIBS EMBA programme and executive education courses.
Each year, the CEIBS Beijing campus graduates almost 300 EMBA students and nearly 3,000 executive education participants. The campus is also a central meeting point for CEIBS alumni as Beijing is home to CEIBS’
second-largest alumni chapter (after Shanghai).[citation needed]
80% of the non-Chinese students who graduate from China Europe International Business School establish residence and work in the Asia-Pacific region.
- Finance MBA (Part-time)
- MBA/Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (Coordinated with Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University)
- MBA/Master of Public Health (Coordinated with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)
- MBA/Master of Management in Hospitality (Coordinated with Cornell University School of Hotel Administration)
- Executive MBA (taught in Mandarin)
- DBA (taught in Switzerland and in Mandarin)
- Global Executive MBA Shanghai cohort (taught in English)
- Global Executive MBA Zurich cohort (taught in English)
- Executive Education
- PhD in Management (Coordinated with Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Peking University - Guanghua School of Management
Tsinghua University - School of Economics and Management
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Antai College of Economics & Management
4 Plames
Renmin University of China - Renmin Business School
Nanjing University School of Business
Tongji University - School of Economics and Management
Zhejiang University School of Management
3 Plames
Beijing Jiaotong University – School of Economics and Management
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) College of Business
Beijing Normal University - BNU Business
University of International Business & Economics (UIBE) Business School
Wuhan University Economic and Management School
Shenzhen University - College of Management
Nankai University Business School
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Management
Shengzhou University School of Business
Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University
Sun Yat-sen University – Sun Yat-sen Business School
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Xiamen University School of Management
Harbin Institute of Technology - School of Management
Shandong University School of Management
University of Science and Technology of China - School of Management
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications - bupt School of Economics & Management
Tianjin University - College of Management and Economics
2 Plames
SILC Business School, Shanghai University
Central University of Finance and Economics - CUFE Business School
Chongqing University School of Economics and Business Administration
Guizhou University College of Management
Xinjiang University School of Economic & Management
Huazhong University of Science & Technology School of Management
Central South University - School of Business
Yunnan University - School of Economics
Capital University of Economics & Business (CUEB)
Lanzhou University School of Management
Hohai University Business School
Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics (JUFE)
Southeast University School of Economic and Management
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics - DUFE School of International Business
Guangxi University College of Business
Jilin University - School of Management
1 Plames
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics - SWUFE school of business administration
Zhejiang Gongshang University (Zjgsu) School of Business Administration
South China University of Technology - School of Business Administration
Hainan University - School of Economics and Management
Hebei University School of Management
Shaanxi Normal University International Business school
East China Normal University (ECNU) - Faculty of Economics and Management
Shanxi University School of Management
Ningxia University - School of Economics and Management
Tibet University - School of Economic and Management
Inner Mongolia University of Technology
Qinghai University School of Finance and Economics
Wenzhou-Kean University WenzhouKean University is a university in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China. (Wikipedia) It was established in 2014 as a joint venture between Wenzhou University and the Kean
University of New Jersey.
In March 2014, the Ministry of Education of China approved the establishment of Wenzhou¡Kean University. The university received its accreditation to confer bachelor's degrees in 2018 and to confer
professional graduate degrees in 2019.
The construction project and all costs of operating WenzhouKean University will be paid for through tuition and financing provided by the municipal and provincial governments in China.
There will be no cost to Kean University or the state of New Jersey.[2] The partnership will be with Wenzhou University, a institution in Zhejiang Province, which will bear the entire cost,
estimated to exceed $60 million. This funding will cover the construction of the planned 300-acre campus, as well as all faculty expenses and the daily operational costs of the school.
Kean University / Wenzhou-Kean University
The College of Business and Public Management transforms diverse students into impactful global community members through engaged learning, excellence in teaching, research, and service by providing leading edge management programs in a world-class, innovative, and inclusive environment throughout our regions.
Kean University and Wenzhou-Kean University provide a truly global education at their campuses in Union, New Jersey; Toms River, New Jersey; and Wenzhou, China.
Undergraduate business programs in Management, Marketing, Global Business, Finance, and Accounting
Graduate business programs including MBA and MS-Accounting
Industry-leading technology including Bloomberg, SAP, and Python
Opportunity to complete coursework at any campus
Networking, professional development, and internship opportunities
Students of Kean USA have the option to spend up to a year studying at WKU for no additional tuition cost with compensated airfare.
In 2023, the campus student population was 4,500 students and is on track to have 7,000 students on campus by 2025. See Footnotes.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Administrativas (Colombia)
Universidad Antonio Narino - Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Administrativas (Colombia)
Universidad de Antioquia Facultad de Ciencias Economicas (Colombia)
Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia)
Universidad de la Sabana (Colombia)
Universidad de los Andes, School of Management (Colombia)
Universidad de Santander (Bolivia)
Universidad del Norte Barranquilla (Colombia)
Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)
Universidad del Valle Cali (Colombia)
Universidad EAFIT, Escuela de Administracion (Colombia)
Universidad Externado de Colombia, School of Management (Colombia)
Universidad ICESI (Colombia)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas (Colombia)
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia)
INCAE Business School (Costa Rica)
Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administracion de Negocios (Costa Rica)
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, Faculty of Business Studies (Costa Rica)
Catholic University of Croatia, Department of Communication Sciences (Croatia)
Cotrugli Business School (Croatia)
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics (Croatia)
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia)
University of Split, Faculty of Economics (Croatia)
University of Zadar (Croatia)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business (Croatia)
Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Croatia)
Anglo American University, School of Business Administration (Czech Republic)
Brno International Business School (Czech Republic)
Brno University of Technology Faculty of Business and Management (Czech Republic)
Charles University, Faculty of Business Administration (Czech Republic)
CMC Graduate School of Business (Czech Republic)
Czech Technical University Prague, MIAS School of Business (Czech Republic)
Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration (Czech Republic)
Prague International Business School (Czech Republic)
Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Management and Economics (Czech Republic)
University of Economics and Management Prague (Czech Republic)
University of Economics Prague (Czech Republic)
Brno University of Technology (BUT; in Czech: Vysoké uceni technické v Brne - Czech abbreviation: VUT) is a university located in Brno, Czech Republic. Being founded in 1899
and initially offering a single course in civil engineering, it grew to become a major Czech university with over 24,000 students enrolled at 8 faculties and 2 university institutes.
One of the youngest, BUT faculty focuses on the economy and business fields of study. In 1992 the faculty was separated from the original Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Besides bachelor's,
master's and doctoral programs in this field the faculty offers in cooperation with foreign universities postgraduate MBA studies. About 3 000 students study management, accounting, corporate finance,
taxation and managerial science.
With almost 400,000 inhabitants, Brno is the second largest city of the Czech Republic and the capital of the South Moravian Region, home to 90,000 students studying at 6 public and 7 private universities,
Brno is a vibrant city with a young and inspiring spirit.
Photo left: MasterStudies Brno University of Technolgy.
An old established yet vibrant young place in the EU.
Cyprus Institute of Marketing, Cyprus Business School (Cyprus)
Cyprus International Institute of Management (Cyprus)
European University Cyprus, School of Business Administration (Cyprus)
Open University Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management (Cyprus)
University of Cyprus, School of Economics and Management (Cyprus)
University of Nicosia, School of Business (Cyprus)
Aalborg University (Denmark)
Aarhus University, Aarhus BSS (Denmark)
Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
Roskilde University (Denmark)
University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (Denmark)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, Dept. de Administracion Empresa (Dominican Republic)
Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Sociales (Dominican Republic)
Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena. Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (Dominican Republic)
Universidad Tecnologica de Santiago, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (Dominican Republic)
Estonian Business School (Estonia)
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Economics and Social Sciences (Estonia)
Euro Academy, Faculty of Business Management (Estonia)
Tallinn University, School of Governance, Law & Society (Estonia)
TalTech School of Business and Governance (Estonia)
University of Tartu, Business Administration (Estonia)
Fifi National University, College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies (Fiji Islands)
University of Fiji, School of Business and Economics (Fiji Islands)
University of the South Pacific (USP), Faculty of Business and Economics (Fiji Islands)
Aalto University, School of Business (Finland)
Abo Akademi University (Finland)
Hanken School of Business (Finland)
Tampere University of Technology (Finland)
University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics (Finland)
University of Helsinki (Finland)
University of Jyvaskyla, School of Business and Economics (Finland)
University of Lapland, Faculty of Social Sciences (Finland)
University of Oulu, Oulu Business School (Finland)
University of Tampere, Faculty of Management (Finland)
University of Turku, Turku School of Economics TSE (Finland)
University of Vaasa, School of Management (Finland)
Aix-Marseille University, Graduate School of Management IA (France)
Ascencia Business School (France)
Audencia Business School (France)
Brest Business School (France)
BSB Burgundy School of Business (France)
Digital College (France)
EBS Paris - European Business School (France)
Ecole Centrale de Paris - Centrale Supelec (France)
Ecole de Guerre Economique (France)
Ecole du Louvre (France)
Ecole Européenne d'Intelligence Economiqu (France) e
Ecole nationale d'assurance, le cnam Enass (France)
Ecole Supérieure d'Assurances (France)
Ecole Superieure International de Savignac (France)
EDC Paris Business School (France)
EDHEC Business School (France)
EM Normandie Business School (France)
EMLYON Business School (France)
ESC Amiens (France)
ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management (France)
ESC Pau Business School (France)
ESCEM (France)
ESCI Business School (France)
ESCP Europe Business School (France)
ESG Finance (France)
ESLSCA Business School Paris (France)
ESP Ecole Superieure de Publicite (France)
ESSCA School of Management (France)
Euridis Business School (France)
Financia Business School (France)
Gobelins - L'Ecole de l'Image (France)
Grenoble Ecole de Management (France)
Hautes Etudes Appliquees du Droit (France)
Hautes Etudes Internationales et Politiques, HEIP (France)
HEC Paris (France)
ICD International Business School (France)
ICD International Business School Paris with nine departments, 14,000 students, was founded in 1975, and is the business school of the
ICD Group (financial services, real estate construction and development, insurance, property management, communications and e-commerce)
innovative teaching methods, modern training centers, and an ethical, humanistic and entrepreneurial approach.
The studies are personalised and help students discover a whole new world. "89% of companies are ready to recruit an ICD graduate. They have 6 campuses: Lyon, Paris, Toulouse, Dublin,
Shanghai and Casablanca." Chosen by students as the 8th best out of "The 13 best business schools in France." See
EduOpinions | ICD's website.
"Nous sommes ravis de voir nos étudiants s'épanouir en entreprise, mettre en pratique leurs connaissances thêoriques et dêvelopper de nouvelles compêtences. Dêcouvrez êgalement
cette vidêo sur notre chaïne à YouTube
Icn ARTEM Business School and Economics (France)
IDRAC Business School (France)
IESEG School of Management (France)
IFAM Business Schoo (France) l
IGS-RH - Institut de Gestion Sociale
INSEAD Business School (France)
omnes School of Business and Economics (France)
INSEEC Business School
The INSEEC School of Business and Economics (L'INStitut des hautes Études Économiques et Commerciales) is a French private business school and grande école
owned by Cinven private equity funds London, UK, through
OMNES Education of Paris with 35,000 students, a faculty 3,000 called "experts" for 13 schools on 17 campuses.
The INSEEC school has French, European and international campuses in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Chambéry, London, Monaco, Geneva, Abidjan and Shanghai as well as San Francisco.
Founded in 1975 by José Soubiran in Bordeaux, INSEEC School of Business & Economics grew at a fast pace, especially internationally, underpinned by Career Education Corporation until October 24, 2013. From a local School founded and based
in Bordeaux it has developed branches with the American education system via its Franco-American Business School: the "MBA Institute - American BBA INSEEC Campus in Paris," which prepares French and international students
for a MBA in the United States, enabling them to obtain a certificate at the end, recognised both in Europe and in the US. Strong bounds have been created with several American universities including Emory (Atlanta),
Indiana University of Pennsylvania and San Francisco State University allowing students to transfer, promoting student exchange.
INSEEC - "Our Business Schools".
Image left: ISEEC Business School - Chembéry Campus at Le Bourget-du-Lac in the idyllic Auvergne-Rhòne-Alpes region of eastern France
Institut Catholique de Paris (France)
Institute Mines-Telecom Business School (IMT BS) (France)
International School of Management (France)
IPAG Business School (France)
ISC Paris Business School (France)
ISTEC Paris (France)
KEDGE Business School (France)
La Rochelle Business School - Excelia Group (France)
le cnam - Conservatoire national des arts et meetiers (France)
L'Ecole Superieure des Professions Immobilieres, Groupe ESPI (France)
Léonard de Vinci - Paris-La Defense (France)
Magellan Institute (France)
Montpellier Business School (France)
NEOMA Business School (France)
Paris Tech, Ecole des Ponts Business School (France)
Pole Paris Alternance (France)
PSB Paris School of business (France)
Rennes School of Business (France)
Sciences Po (France)
SKEMA Business School (France)
Sorbonne Universite, CELSA (France)
South Champagne Business School, groupe Yschools (France)
Sup de Pub School of Communication (France)
Toulouse Business School (France)
Universite Angers (France)
Universite Caen Normandie (France)
Universite Clermont Auvergne, School of Management (France)
Universite de Bordeaux (France)
Universite de Cergy-Pontoise (France)
Universite de Lille, Faculty of Sciences, Economiques et Sociales (France)
Universite de Montpellier (France)
Universite de Nantes (France)
Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France)
Universite de Paris II, Pantheon Assas (France)
Universite de Poitiers, IAE Poitiers Ecole de Management (France)
Universite de Rennes (France)
Universite de Strasbourg, EM Strasbourg Business Schoo (France) l
Universite de Toulouse 1 Capitole, School of Management and Economics (France)
Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)
Universite d'Orléans (France)
Universite Francois Rabelais de Tours (France)
Universite Grenobles Alpes, IAE Grenoble Graduate School of Management (France)
Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3, iae lyon School of Management (France)
Universite Lumiere - Lyon II, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (France)
Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School (France)
Universite Paris 13 (France)
Universite Paris Dauphine (France)
Universite Paris Est Creteil, IAE Gustave Eiffel (France)
Universite Paris Ouest - Nanterre La Defense (France)
Universite Paris Sud (France)
Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee (France)
Universite Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France)
Yncrea Hauts-de-France HEL, ISA, ISEN (France)
Caucasus University, Caucasus School of Business (Georgia)
Free University, Tbilisi Business School (Georgia)
Georgian American University, School of Business (Georgia)
International Black Sea University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business Law (Georgia)
Alanus University (Alanus Hochschule) (Germany)
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Germany)
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (BHT Berlin) Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin also: Beuth Hochschule, about 12,000 students,
350 academic and 800 administrative staff was established in 1823, reorganized in 1971. BHT is is the second largest University of Applied Sciences in Berlin with 8 departments (faculties) including
more than 70 majors. BHT maintains co-operative programs featuring national companies such as the Deutsche Bahn (German Rail), Burger King, the Berlin promotion agency and Audi. The program enables students
to gain practical work experience through internships. BHT maintains exchange programs with 20 universities worldwide.
Business Administration Digital Economy Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) - Digitale Wirtschaft:
Over a period of seven semesters, students learn how products or services are marketed via digital networks and thus "digitally networked in whole or in part with their customers and suppliers".
In addition to the normal modules of a business degree, the About Tony also includes "basics of digital media", "e-commerce" or "innovation management and entrepreneurship". Possible fields of activity
include project management, product development, marketing and sales. Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), 7 semesters. See the
promotional video on YouTube
Ref.: Irgendwas mit Digitalisierung Diese 13 Studiengänge haben Zukunft" (English: 13 study programs with a future)
t:n digital pioneers.
Photo on the left: Students, instructors and investors attended the "public pitch" event startup scholarship competition at Beuth University on 28th November 2018. Nine teams presented their business ideas.
The winners were the student-founders of Arekapak, who produce sustainable packaging from palm leaves to reduce plastic waste. "Gründerteams präsentieren sich"
(the page in the original German).
Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, WFI Ingolstadt School of Management (Germany)
EBS Universität fur Wirtschaft und Recht, EBS Business School (Germany)
Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF) (Germany)
Europäische Medien- und Business-Akademie (EMBA), Hamburg (Germany)
European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) (Germany)
European University Viadrina Frankfurt, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Germany)
FH Munchen University, Department of Business Administration (Germany)
FH Munster University, Munster School of Business (Germany)
FH Pforzheim Universität Pforzheim Business School (Germany)
Pforzheim Business School of Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences in Southwest Germany, 6,200 students, 800 academic staff, is one of the largest public universities
of applied sciences in Germany. Founded in 1963 and initially located at the goldsmith's school (Goldschmiedeschule), it grew into one of the most important universities of applied sciences in Germany.
The master's programs at Pforzheim University emphasize professional functions and application-oriented skills,
multinationality in cooperation with global business enterprises.
The business school's main disciplines are Corporate Finance, B2B-Marketing, Brand Management, International Financial Reporting Standards, European Financial Markets, and Supply Chain Management.
MBA students have the opportunity to spend their 3rd semester at one of the forty partner universities in Europe, the Americas, or Asia-Pacific.
The Business School offers various study programs and/or specializations partly or completely in English,
including MBA International Management (English only), BSc International Marketing, and Digital Enterprise Management. Within the study program BSc International Business, tracks are in English and/or French and/or
Spanish. The Business School's International Study Program (ISP) is especially designed for the benefit of exchange students from international partner universities.
Image: BMW Group Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum des 17. Alumnitreffen 2019.
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany)
Freie Universität Berlin (FU), School of Business and Economics (Germany)
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg, School of Business and Economics (Germany)
George-August Universität Gottingen, Faculty of Business and Economics (Germany)
Gisma Business School (Germany)
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Goethe Business School (Germany)
Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) (Germany)
Helmut Schmidt University (Germany)
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität (UNIBW Hamburg) (Germany)
HHL Leipzig, Graduate School of Management (Germany)
Hochschule Bremerhaven, University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Hochschule Mittweida, University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, School of Business (Germany)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Department of Economics and Management (Germany)
Kuhne Logistics University, KLU Hamburg (Germany)
Leuphana Universität Luneburg (Germany)
LMU Munchen, Munich School of Management (Germany)
Reutlingen Universität, ESB Business School (Germany)
Rheinische Fachhochschule Kön (Germany)
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (RHF) is a public University of Applied Sciences with
strong practical orientation and intelligent online learning for6,500 students, established 1961, offering over forty Bachelor and Master courses of study in the specialized areas of Engineering, Media, Medical Economics & Health, Economics & Law, as well as Logistics Management, Marketing and Communication
Management Homepage in English.
Digital Transformation Management is
a unique course of the Europa Institute for Experience and Management METIS
a joint program with Vienna, Austria University of Applied Sciences at RFH Köln and Neuss which combines the study of technology, smart management strategies, philosophy, sociology, communication and
psychology with practical applications.
This study program is not just another offer of IT skills. Rather, it is about being able to exist in an almost revolutionary changing environment. The course offers two levels for certificates
that build on each other. Digital transformation management students research trends, develop new business models, innovation and financing
concepts, communicative strategies as well as ethical standards and qualities for leadership in the digital age. Through cooperations with institutions from business and society, the course is a
model for the region. There are no particular admission requirements for the two levels other than post-secondary graduation or equivalent; however, a bachelor's degree is required for the final master's degree.
The two certificate courses are suitable for working people and students to ready themselves for the new digital work environment through an academic degree program.
View the promotional video in German by Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Economics and Digital Minister of the
NRW state government.
Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)
RWTH Aachen University, School of Business and Economics (Germany)
SRH Fernhochschule, Digital Management & Transformation (Germany)
Schiller International University (Heidelberg) (Germany)
Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (Germany)
Technische Hochschule Köln, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (Germany)
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany)
Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) (Germany)
Technische Universität Clausthal (TU Clausthal) (Germany)
Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) (Germany)
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TU Kaiserslautern) (Germany)
Technische Universität Munchen, TUM School of Management (Germany)
TU Dresden, Faculty of Business and Economics (Germany)
University of Augsburg (Germany)
University of Bamberg (Germany)
Universität Bayreuth Rechts und Wirtschaftwissenschaftliche Fakultat (Germany)
University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Germany)
Uni Bielefeld sports program: parachute jumping video on YouTube
University of Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld 25,000 students, 1,400 academic and 1,100 administrative staff established in 1969 is one of Germany's newer
universities. The University is following an more innovative style of organization and teaching than the established universities. In particular, the university aims to "re-establish the unity between research and teaching."
All faculties are teaching courses in their areas of research. The university emphasizes inter-disciplinary research, which is somewhat helped by its physical architecture enclosing all faculties in one big structure of
a building. Uni Bielefeld is among the first of the German universities to switch some faculties (e.g. biology) to Bachelor/Master-degrees as part of the Bologna process.
The University ranks 22nd in the world by the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2017, and is among the top 300 universities by the traditional Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
Uni Bielefeld has started an extensive multi-phase modernisation project to be completed by 2025 of over one billion euros. Ref.: Wikipedia
<Bielefeld University.
The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics offers the following degree programs, all of them taught in the German language:
Business Administration and Economics, Law and Management, and Mathematical Economis; Master's degree in Business Administration and Economics, Statistical Science, Data Science, and
Quantitative Economics, Mathematical Economics, History Economics and Philosophy of Science; Doctoral Programmes, and International ProgrammesERASMUS+.
Among the established focuses of research is Computational Economics - a field in which the faculty is a top player in the international research landscape thanks to
its highly visible profile and its success in raising third-party funding. Robust decision making under uncertainty is another established focus mainly carried by the Centre for Mathematical
Economics (IMW). The research on distri-
bution, inequality and heterogeneity that is oriented to both social theory and economic policy is a Faculty tradition. Both decision-making theory and
heterogeneity are at the centre of research in economics in general. Thus Bielefeld's engagement with these issues is certainly not unique.
Videos by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Hermann Jahnke (2017): Chances and Challenges of the Study Program (in German):
Chancen und Herausforderungen des Studiums
What does study program cover? (in German): Womit befasst sich der Studiengang? on YouTube.
Universität Bonn (Germany)
Universität Bremen, Faculty of Business Studies and Economics (Germany)
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Germany)
Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) (Germany)
Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Universität Dusseldorf (Germany)
Universität Erfurt (Germany)
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
Universität Freiburg, Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences (Germany)
Universität Göttingen (Germany)
Universität Greifswald (Germany)
Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
Universität Hamburg, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (Germany)
Universität Hohenheim, Faculty of Business, Economics & Social Sciences (Germany)
Universität Hannover (Germany)
Universität Heidelberg (Germany)
Universität Jena (Germany)
Universität Kassel (Germany)
Universität Kiel, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (Germany)
Universität Köln, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (Germany)
Universität Magdeburg (Germany)
Universität Mainz (Germany)
Universität Mannheim, Mannheim Business School (Germany)
Universität Marburg (Philipps Universität), Marburg, FB 12 Data Science (Germany)
Universität Munster, School of Business and Economics (Germany)
Universität Osnabruck (Germany)
Universität Paderborn (Germany)
Universität Parrau, School of Business, Economics and Information Systems
Universität Potsdam (Germany)
Universität Regensburg, Faculty of Business, Economics & Management Information Systems (Germany)
Universität Siegen (Germany)
Universität Stuttgart (Germany)
Universität Trier (Germany)
Universität Tübingen, School of Business and Economics (Germany)
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)
Witten/Herdecke University (Germany)
Zeppelin University (ZU) (Germany)
Accra Business School (Ghana)
African Graduate School of Management and Leadership Labadi (Ghana)
Central University College Accra (Ghana)
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) (Ghana)
Photo credit Ghana News Agency
GIMPA Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration website in
Accra was founded in 1961 with UN assistance. GIMPA is coeducational, offers master's degrees in business and public administration, development management, governance, leadership and technology.
GIMPA's initial mandate was to train public servants in the planning and administration of national, regional and local services. A faculty of law was added in 2010 and has quickly grown
from seventy students and 5 full-time faculty to over four hundred students and 26 full-time faculty plus 14 adjuncts. The Faculty of Law at GIMPA brags of being the first and only ultra modern moot court
facility in Ghana. See "Everything About GIMPA Schools, Courses and Academic Programmes BuzzGhana |
A short documentary of GIMPA 11-10-2016 Video.
"Living in Ghana is a one-of-a-kind experience and, despite the lack of local, state-run public transport and other amenities of modern Western life, the country more than makes up
for it with charm, friendliness and originality. Eminently laid-back and welcoming, it is the perfect place for those seeking unique experiences and wanting a fresh perspective of the world."
(culture trip.
KNUST School of Business Kumasi (Ghana)
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana)
Nobel International Business School Accra (Ghana)
Sunyani Polytechnic School of Management (Ghana)
University of Cape Coast, School of Business (Ghana)
University of Ghana Business School Accra (Ghana)
University of Professional Studies Accra (Ghana)
Valley View University Oyibi Accra (Ghana)
Zenith University College, School of Business (Ghana)
AGSM Athens Graduate School of Management (Greece)
American College of Greece, Alba Graduate Business School (Greece)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Economic and Political Science (Greece)
City Liberal Studies (City College), Business Administration & Economics Department (Greece)
Democritus University of Thrace, School of Business (Greece)
International Hellenic University (IHU) (Greece)
lebs Business College (Greece)
University of Crete, School of Social, Economic & Political Sciences (Greece)
University of Macedonia, School of Business Administration (Greece)
University of Patras, School of Business Administration (Greece)
University of Peloponnese (Greece)
University of the Aegean (Greece)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Science and Technology, School of Management Studies (Guyana)
University of Guyana, Faculty of Social Sciences (Guyana)
Budapest Metropolitan University, Faculty of Business (Hungary)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faulty of Economic and Social Sciences (Hungary)
Central European University, Department of Economics and Business (Hungary)
Corvinus University of Budapest, Corvinus Business School (Hungary)
International Business School (Hungary)
Szcent Istvan University, Faculty of Economics and Social Science (Hungary)
University of Debrecen (Hungary)
University of Pannonia, Institute of Business (Hungary)
University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics (Hungary)
Bifrost University, Department of Business (Iceland)
Reykjavik University, School of Business (Iceland)
University of Akureyri, School of Business and Science (Iceland)
University of Iceland Faculty of Business Administration (Iceland)
Photo credit KPMG Global
University of Iceland Icelandic: Háskóli Íslands (website)
is a public research university in Reykjavik, and the country's oldest and largest. Founded in 1911, it has grown steadily from a small civil servants' school to a modern comprehensive
university, providing instruction for about 14,000 students in twenty-five faculties including social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, natural sciences, engineering and teacher education.
With 700+ tenured professors, over 2,000 non-tenured, and about 300 researchers and administrators, the University of Iceland is the largest single work-place in Iceland.
The university played an important role in the formation of the Icelandic nation-state and was perceived by Icelanders as an important stepping stone towards
full independence. Demands for a national Icelandic university go the first session of the elected assembly of Althingi in 1845. Icelandic nationalist leaders petitioned Denmark
at the time to create a "national school" to achieve cultural and material progress, and to ensure that the Icelanders' education was sufficiently national in character.
The University of Iceland is a public government-funded university and as such it does not charge tuition, only an enrollment fee. In terms of living expenses,
most students at the University of Iceland either work part-time or receive student loans at favourable interest rates from the Icelandic Student Loan Fund. The Icelandic Ministry of
Education, Science and Culture annually offers awards to students from selected countries to study the Icelandic language, history and literature at the University of Iceland. Awards are
tenable for one academic year and aim to cover room and board.
Iceland is defined by its dramatic landscape with 130 volcanoes, with geysers, hot springs and lava fields, and massive glaciers in its national parks, beautiful northern
lights and a climate which is tempered by the North Atlantic Current. A third of the population of 360.000 lives in the capital city of Reykjavik, which runs on geothermal power.
Cork College of Commerce (Ireland)
Digital Marketing Institute (Ireland)
Dublin Business School (Ireland)
Dublin City University, DCU Business School (Ireland)
Dublin Institute of Technology, College of Business (Ireland)
ibat College Dublin (Ireland)
Irish Management Institute (IMI) (Ireland)
Irish School of Economics (Ireland)
National University of Ireland, Galway - J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics (Ireland)
Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Business School (Ireland)
University College Cork, College of Business and Law (Ireland)
University College Dublin, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business (Ireland)
University of Limerick, Kemmy Business School (Ireland)
List of Indonesian agricultural universities and colleges
List of universities in Indonesia
Airlangga University
Alauddin Islamic State University
Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
Artha Wacana Christian University
Bakrie University
Bandung Institute of Technology
Borneo Tarakan University
Christian University of Palangka Raya
College of Health Sciences General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
Consultative Council for Indonesian Citizenship
Duta Wacana Christian University
Gunadarma University
Hasanuddin University
Nommensen HKBP University
Horizon University Indonesia
Immigration Polytechnic
Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Indonesia Open University
Indonesia Technocrat University
BINUS University
Indraprasta PGRI University
International University of Batam
Jenderal Soedirman University
Kalimantan Institute of Technology
Klabat University
Christian University of Indonesia
List of universities in Yogyakarta
Methodist University of Indonesia
State University of Medan
Ma Chung University
Madura State Polytechnic
Malikussaleh University
University of Mataram
Mulawarman University
National Development University "Veteran" of East Java
Pakuan University
Pancasila University
Petra Christian University
Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
President University
Sam Ratulangi University
Samudra University
Sanata Dharma University
Sebelas Maret University
Sembilanbelas November University
Siliwangi University
Soegijapranata Catholic University
Sriwijaya State Polytechnic
State Islamic University of North Sumatera
State University of Gorontalo
State University of Makassar
State University of Padang
State University of Surabaya
Sultan Syarif Kasim II State Islamic University
Sumatra Institute of Technology
Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University
Syiah Kuala University
Tanjungpura University
Tarumanagara University
Telkom Purwokerto Institute of Technology
Telkom Institute of Management
Telkom Institute of Technology
Telkom Institute of Technology Jakarta
Teuku Umar University
Tidar University
Trisakti University
Union of Catholic University Students of the Republic of Indonesia
Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
Universitas Brawijaya Profile Profile dated 2014>
Universitas Surabaya &$151; Profile dated 2014
University of Bangka Belitung
University of Jambi
University of North Sumatra
University of Palangka Raya
University of Palembang
University of Pattimura
University of Riau
University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa in Yogyakarta
University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
University of Timor
West Sulawesi University
Wijaya Putra University
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Explore Yogyarkata
A Privagte University with High Performance in Research &
Community Service
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Rektor UII Fathul Wahid
YouTube 3:07 min. Profile of
Universitas Islam Indonesia (English Version)
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia. Inspired by the spirit of nationalism and guided by perennial values, UII was founded one month before the proclamation of
Indonesian independence in 1945. UII now has grown into a great place for learning. Located at the northern outskirt of Yogyakarta, the heart of Javanese culture, the main campus, overlooking the stunning beauty of
Merapi, is a perfect place to study.
Learning is discovering treasure within oneself. With 4 doctoral, 12 master, 3 professional, 25 undergraduate, and 4 diploma programs covering a wide spectrum of knowledge, UII enables its students to discover their own
treasures and achieve their brighter future.
We realize that perfection is a fruit of lifetime innovations and tireless efforts. Internally, this is carried out by providing modern facilities and maintaining quality assurance. To support the learning process,
10 libraries, 82 laboratories, and 27 research centers, are provided for research and education. Meanwhile, a great masjid, bookstore, sport hall, auditoriums, hospitals, and student convention center are among first-rate
facilities available in UII campuses.
To ensure that learning in UII is conducted with the highest standard, quality is put firmly in place. As a result, the national rankings place us as number 1 for private universities in Indonesia and among the leading
universities nationally (2018). The QS Asia University Rankings place us among top 500 in Asia (2019).
The fruits of innovation are diverse. More than 98,000 UII alumni are serving Indonesia and the world at large in many fields and many ways while maintaining professionalism and ethical values, to which UII vision is anchored.
See Rector Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Bar-Ilan University, Graduate School of Business Administration (Israel)
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management (Israel)
Galilee International Management Institute (Israel)
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem School of Business Administration (Israel)
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC), Arison School of Business, Herzliya (Israel)
Open University of Israel, Department of Management and Economics (Israel)
Sapir College (Israel)
TAL Business School (Israel)
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management (Israel)
Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management (Israel)
University of Haifa, Faculty of Management (Israel)
Bocconi School of Management (SDA) (Italy)
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Postgraduate School of Business & Society (Italy)
European School of Economics (ESE) (Italy)
European University Institute (EUI) (Italy)
I.P.E. Business School (Italy)
ISTAO Instituto Adriano Olivetti di studi per la gestione dell'economia e delle aziende (Italy)
Istituto di Studi per la Direzione e Gestione di Impresa (STOA) (Italy)
ISTUD Business School (Italy)
John Cabot University, Department of Business Administration (Italy)
Libera Universita di Bolzano (Italy)
Libera Universita Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Italy)
LUISS Business School (Italy)
MIB Trieste School of Management (Italy)
MIP Politecnico di Milano, Graduate School of Business (Italy)
Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Rome Business School (Italy)
Universita Carlo Cattaneo (Italy)
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facolta die Economia (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Bari (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Scuola die Economia e Management (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Politecnic School (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Pavia (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Perugia (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Siena, School of Economics and Management (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Trieste (Italy)
Universita degli Studi di Verona (Italy)
Universita degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy)
Universita degli Studio di Torino, School of Management and Economics (Italy)
Universita di Roma 1 "La Sapienza" Facolta di Economia (Italy)
University of Bologna, Bologna Business School (Italy)
University of Milan (IULM) (Italy)
Luca Pacioli 1445-1517
La Sapienza University of Rome (Italian: Sapienza - Universita di Roma), also called simply Sapienza or the University of Rome, is a collegiate research university that is located in Rome, Italy.
Formally known as Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", it is one of the largest European universities by enrollments of 140,000 with academic and administrative staff of 8,000, and one of the oldest in history,
founded in 1303 with a Papal bull by Pope Boniface VIII as a Studium for ecclesiastical studies more under his control than the universities of Bologna and Padua, making it the first pontifical university.
La Sapienza is one of the most prestigious Italian universities and in the world, commonly ranking first in national rankings and in Southern Europe. In 2018 it ranked 1st in the world for
Classics and Ancient history. Most of the Italian ruling class studied at Sapienza. Sapienza educated numerous notable alumni, including many Nobel laureates, Presidents of the European Parliament and European
Commissioners, heads of several nations, notable religious figures, scientists and astronauts Wikipedia, Sapienza University of Rome.
To cope with the large demand for admission to the university courses, some faculties hold a series of entrance examinations. The entrance test often decides which candidates will have access to the undergraduate
course. For some faculties, the entrance test is only a means through which the administration acknowledges the students' level of preparation. Students that do not pass the test can still enroll in their chosen
degree courses, but have to pass an additional exam during their first year.
On 15 January 2008 the Vatican cancelled a planned visit to La Sapienza University by Pope Benedict XVI who was to speak at the university ceremony launching the 2008 academic year due to protests by some students
and professors. The title of the speech would have been 'The Truth Makes Us Good and Goodness is Truth'. Some students and professors protested in reaction to a 1990 speech that Pope Benedict XVI (then Cardinal
Joseph Ratzinger) gave in which he, in their opinion, endorsed the actions of the church against Galileo Galilei in 1633 the "father of modern physics", the "father of the scientific method"
for holding the opinon that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves. Galileo was tried by the Inquisition, found "vehemently suspect of heresy,"
and forced to recant. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.
Palazzo della Sapienza, former home of the University until 1935 by Thuresson (2006).
One of La Sapienza's illustrious academics was Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (1446/7-1517) for his historic treatise on double-entry bookkeeping, published in 1494, a treatise entitled Particularis de computis et scripturis ("Details of Computation and Recording") contained in his larger work Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et propor-tionalita, which is generally regarded as the first published book on double-entry bookkeeping, a bestseller at its time printed on the newly invented Gutenberg press, providing a detailed description of the Venetian system of accounting, which is still the basic foundation of financial accounting and reporting to this day, except that it is now incomparably more detailed and complex.
"Pacioli's important manuscript made him instantly famous, and he was invited to Milan to teach mathematics at the Court of Duke Lodovico Maria Sforzo. One of his pupils would be Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).
During the seven years Pacioli and da Vinci spent together, the two would help each other create two masterpieces that withstood the test of time. Da Vinci illustrated Pacioli's next and second most important
manuscript De Divina Proportione ("Of Divine Proportions") published in 1509. Pacioli taught da Vinci perspective and proportionality. This knowledge allowed da Vinci to create one of his greatest masterpieces,
a mural on the north wall of the Santa Maria de Gracia Dominican cloister in Milan measuring 15 - 29 feet. This mural is the most famous painting of the fifteenth century, known as
The Last Supper. The geometry Pacioli taught da Vinci would occur in many of da Vinci's later works. Da Vinci mentions Pacioli many times in his notes."
Ref.: Booklet Luca Pacioli (1494), "The Rules of Double-Entry Bookkeeping: Particularis de computis et scripturis" available for order
Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boigny, Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (Ivory Coast)
University of Technology Jamaica, College of Business Management (Jamaica)
University of the West Indies, Mona School of Business and Management (Jamaica)
Aoyama Gakuin University, Aoyama Business School (Japan)
Chiba University (Japan)
Doshiha University, Graduate School of Commerce (Japan)
Hiroshima University (Japan)
Hitosubashi University Business School (Japan)
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce (Japan)
Hosei University, Graduate School of Business Administration (Japan)
International University of Japan, Graduate School of International Management (Japan)
Kansai University, Faculty of Business and Commerce (Japan)
Keio University, Keio Business School (KBS) (Japan)
Kobe University, Graduate School of Business Administration (Japan)
Kyoto Sangyo University (Japan)
Kyoto University, Faculty and Graduate Schools of Economics (Japan)
Kyushu University, Faculty of Economics (Japan)
Meijji University, Graduate School of Global Business (Japan)
Nagoya University (Japan)
Nagoya University of Commerce & Business (NUCB) (Japan)
Osaka University of Economics (Japan)
Rikkyo University, College and Graduate Schools of Business (Japan)
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, APU Graduate School of Management (Japan)
Sophia University (Japan)
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Economics and Management (Japan)
Tokyo University of Science School of Management (Japan)
University of Tokyo (Japan)
University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Business Sciences (Japan)
Waseda University, Waseda Business School (Japan)
Al Al-Bayt University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Jordan)
German Jordanian University, School of Management and Logistic Sciences (Jordan)
Hashemite University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Jordan)
University of Jordan, Faculty of Business (Jordan)
Yarmouk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Jordan)
HRH Prince Hassan receives an honourary doctorate from Hashemite University's President Kamal Bani Hani -
The Jordan Times 8th June 2015 Petra photo.
The Hashemite University (HU) 30,000 students, 600+ academic staff established in 1995, is one of Jordan's state-run universities. HU is
located in the vicinity of the city of Zarqa. HU offers an international admission program which allows non-Jordanian students to enroll at the university. The university comprises 19 faculties/colleges and institutes,
offering 52 specialties at undergraduate level, and 35 specialties at postgraduate level in addition to a number of professional diploma programs.
The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (website), since the beginning in 1995, has maintained extensive and diverse
specialized programs in teaching, research, services and national missions, offering four main BA courses i.e., Economics, Accounting, Management, Banking and Financial Sciences,
including Commercial Law, for currently 3,700 undergraduate students and 174 at master's level.
HU's unique El-Hassan Bin-Talal Faculty of Arid Land Studies was launched as a tripartite collaborative endeavor between Jordan's Higher Council of Science and Technology, Hashemite University,
and the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas (ICARDA), born as an initiative of HRH Prince El-Hassan Bin-Talal to manage resources efficiently as the only guarantee to sufficient reserves
of water, food and dignity for the next generations. The faculty contributes to enhance the agricultural investments in the arid land of Jordan, which consist about 80% of Jordan's land area, to help manage the
increased demand for food production due to the country's rapid population growth, sharing its experiences with other countries in the world that face the same arid conditions as Jordan.
Catholic University of Eastern Africa, School of Business (Kenya)
Moi University, School of Business and Economics (Kenya)
Mount Kenya University, School of Business and Economics (Kenya)
Strathmore Business School (Kenya)
United States International University Africa, Chandaria School of Business (Kenya)
University of Nairobi, School of Business (Kenya)
American University of Kuwait, College of Business and Economics (Kuwait)
American University of the Middle East, College of Business Administration (Kuwait)
Australian College of Kuwait, College of Business (Kuwait)
Kuwait University, College of Business Administration (Kuwait)
Maastricht School of Management Kuwait (Kuwait)
American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)
Kyrgyz Economic University (Kyrgyzstan)
Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Faculty of Economics and Management (Kyrgyzstan)
National University of Laos, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Laos)
Souphanouvong University (Laos)
BA School of Business and Finance (Latvia)
EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)
Latvia University - Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (Latvia)
Rezekne Higher Education Institute, Faculty of Econ. and Bus Management, Info. Sys. Management Institute (Latvia)
Riga Technical University - Riga Business School (RBS) and Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management (FEEM) (Latvia)
RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology (Latvia)
Turiba University, Faculty of Business Administration (Latvia)
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)
BA School of Business and Finance (Latvian: Banku Augstskola) in Riga (photo) 1,200 undergraduate students, 300 post-graduates, and 30 doctoral students
is one of the leading, self financing business schools in Latvia. It was founded in 1992 as Banking College under the Bank of Latvia and was accredited in 1997 as a higher educational institution.
In 2012 BA School of Business and Finance was celebrating its 20th anniversary. In 2010 BA School of Business and Finance was granted
Investors in Excellence certification by the British Quality Foundation.
Today the School offers 14 professional study programs. Its main focus is on Finance and Business studies. All study programs have incorporated a company traineeship as a compulsory requirement.
The study process has gained international dimensions. ECTS as a learner-centred credit system has been implemented, credit being allocated on the basis of assessed
of learning outcomes (EdUniversal).
Graduates are nationally and internationally recognized entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, experts and professionals. Photo credit
Lerotholi Polytechnic, School of Enterprise Management (Lesotho)
National University of Lesotho, Department of Business Administration (Lesotho)
Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Faculty of Economics and Management (Lithuania)
ISM University of Management and Economics (Lithuania)
Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business (Lithuania)
Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of Economics and Business (Lithuania)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management (Lithuania)
Vilnius University, Faculty of Economcs and Business Administration, VU Business School (Lithuania)
Vytautas Magnus University, Baltic Mangement Institute, Faculty of Economics & Management (Lithuania)
Sacred Heart University Luxembourg, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology (Luxembourg)
University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (Luxembourg)
Cyryx College (Maldives)
MAPS College (Maldives)
Villa College, Faculty of Business Management (Maldives)
Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology, Institute of Business Management and Commerce (Malta)
University of Malta Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (Malta)
The University of Malta (Maltese: L-Universita ta' Malta) with 12,000 students and 800 academic and administrative staff is the highest educational institution in Malta, offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and postgraduate doctorate degrees. The precursor to the University of Malta was the Collegium Melitense, a Jesuit college which was set up in 1592. The Jesuits were expelled from Malta in 1768. The university has fourteen faculties: Arts; Built Environment; Dental Surgery; Economics, Management & Accountancy; Education; Engineering; Health Sciences; Information & Communication Technology; Laws; Media & Knowledge Sciences; Medicine & Surgery; Science; Social Wellbeing and Theology. The Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy (FEMA) is the largest Faculty at the University of Malta and offers learning paths to more than 1,800 students,
led by academics and experienced practitioners that hail from a diversity of industries and working environments.
University of Mauritius, Faculty of Law and Management (Mauritius)
University of Technology Mauritius, School of Business, Management and Finance (Mauritius)
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP) (Mexico)
El Colegio de Mexico (COLMEX) (Mexico)
Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) (Mexico)
Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) (Mexico)
IPADE Business School (Mexico)
Tecnologico de Monterrey, EGADE Business School (Mexico)
U-ERRE Universidad Regiomontana (Mexico)
Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte, Facultad de Economia y Negocios (Mexico)
Universidad Anahuac Mexico Sur - Facultad de Negocios (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC) (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara (UAG) (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Facultad de Contaduria Publica y Admin. (FACPYA) (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Facultad de Contaduria y Administraction (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan (UADY) (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEM) (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Division de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Mexico)
Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCEA Centro Universitario de Ciencias Econnomico Admin. (Mexico)
Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)
Universidad de la Americas (UDLA) Puebla, Escuela de Negocios y Economia (Mexico)
Universidad de las Americas (AC) (Mexico)
Universidad de Monterrey, UDEM Business School (Mexico)
Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) (Mexico)
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Facultad de Contaduria y Administracion (Mexico)
Universidad Veracruzana (UV) (Mexico)
International University of Monaco (IUM), Monaco
Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei (Moldova)
Moldova State University, Faculty of Economic Sciences (Moldova)
Technical University of Moldova, Faculty of Economic Engineering and Business (Moldova)
Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, School of Business Administration (Morocco)
ESCA Ecole de Management (Morocco)
Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion (ENCG Settat) (Morocco)
Groupe ISCAE (Morocco)
HEM Business School (Morocco)
Université Chouaib Doukkali, Ecole Nationale de Commerce et Gestion (Morocco)
Universite Hassan II de Casablanca (Morocco)
Universite Ibn Tofail, Ecole Nationale de Commerce et Gestion (Morocco)
Universite Mohammed V Agdal, Faculte des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales (Morocco)
The oldest university in the world was founded by a woman.
Photo credit vice.com
Al Quaraouiyine University in Fez, Morocco was founded by a Muslim woman in 859 A.D. and is said to be the oldest degree-granting university in the world, predating the
first European medieval universities.
The university has 8,000 students and 1,000 academic staff. Education concentrates on the Islamic religious and legal sciences with a heavy emphasis on, and particular strengths in, Classical Arabic grammar/linguistics and Maliki law,
although a few lessons on other non-Islamic subjects such as French, English are also offered to students.
Teaching is delivered in the traditional method, in which students are seated in a semi-circle (halqa)
around a sheikh, who prompts them to read sections of a particular text, asks them questions on particular points of grammar, law, or interpretation, and explains difficult points. Students from all over Morocco
and Islamic West Africa attend the Qarawiyyin, although a few might come from as far afield as Muslim Central Asia. Even Spanish Muslim converts frequently attend the institution, largely attracted by the fact that
the sheikhs of the Qarawiyyin, and Islamic scholarship in Morocco in general, are heirs to the rich religious and scholarly heritage of Muslim al-Andalus.
Most students at the Qarawiyyin range from between the ages
of 13 and 30, and study towards high school-level diplomas and university-level bachelor's degrees, although Muslims with a sufficiently high level of Arabic are also able to attend lecture circles on an informal basis,
given the traditional category of visitors "in search of [religious and legal] knowledge" ("zuwwaar li'l-talab fii 'ilm"). In addition to being Muslim, prospective students of the Qarawiyyin are required to have
memorized the Qur'an in full as well as several other shorter medieval Islamic texts on grammar and Maliki law, and in general to have a very good command of Classical Arabic. It is a common misconception that the
university is open only to men; it is open to both men and women. Women were first admitted into the university in the 1940s. Wikipedia
Al Quaraouiyine University.
Mediterranian University Montenegro, Montenegro Business School (Montenegro)
University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro)
University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics (Montenegro)
Kathmandu University, School of Management (Nepal)
Pokhara University, Faculty of Management Studies (Nepal)
Purbanchal University, Faculty of Management (Nepal)
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management (Nepal)
Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) (Netherlands)
Avians University of Applied Sciences-Avians School of International Studies (Netherlands)
Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management (Netherlands)
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, International Business School, Groningen (Netherlands)
Hogeschool van Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
HU Business School, Utrecht (Netherlands)
Maastricht School of Management (MSM) (Netherlands)
Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics (Netherlands)
Nyenrode Business Universiteit (Netherlands)
Open University of the Netherlands, Faculty of Management, Science and Technology (Netherlands)
Radhoud University, Nijmegen School of Management (Netherlands)
Rotterdam Business School (Netherlands)
Tilburg University, TIAS School for Business and Society (Netherlands)
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management (Netherlands)
University Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics (Netherlands)
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School (Netherlands)
University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business (Netherlands)
University of Twente, TSM Business School (Netherlands)
Utrecht University Utrecht School of Economics (Netherlands)
Windesham University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business, Media and Law (Netherlands)
ZUYD University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of International Business and Communication (Netherlands)
New Utrecht High School Website
Utrecht University 30,000 students, 6,500 academic and administrative staff (UU; Dutch: Universiteit Utrecht)
in Utrecht, the Netherlands, was established in 1636 and is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. In 2011, 485 PhD degrees were awarded and 7,773 scientific articles published.
The university's motto is "Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos," which means "Sun of Justice, shine upon us." This motto was gleaned from a literal Latin Bible translation of Malachi 4:2. Rutgers University
(New Jersey, United States), having a historical connection with Utrecht University, uses a modified version of this motto. Utrecht University recently joined Washington University in St. LouisAbout Tonys
McDonnell International Scholars Academy.
The University has seven main academic divisions: geosciences; humanities; law, economics and governance; medicine; science; social and behavioral sciences; and veterinary
medicine. Additionally, there are two university colleges - University College Roosevelt and University College Utrecht - focused on liberal arts education for undergraduates as well as a center for
teaching and learning. All told, the university offers around 45 bachelorAbout Tonys degree programs and more than 130 masterAbout Tonys degree programs.
Dutch is the primary language of instruction, although a handful
of bachelorAbout Tonys programs and more than 80 master's programs are English-taught. Examples of master's programs taught in English are those in banking and finance, the cultural history of modern Europe
and religious studies. Much of the research at Utrecht University is structured around the four strategic themes of dynamics of youth, institutions for open societies, life sciences and sustainability.
Some of the universityAbout Tonys research institutes are the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research. (U.S. News & World Report - Education
Best Global Universities)
Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) addresses economic issues from a real-world-perspective, meaning a strong awareness of the complex socio-economic reality: human behaviour
is not always rational and markets are not always in equilibrium. Institutions are important for understanding economic dynamics and so are the dimensions of time and space. U.S.E. is always looking for
connections with other disciplines in research and education.
Auckland University of Technology Business School (New Zealand)
Lincoln University, Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce (New Zealand)
Massey University, Massey Business School (New Zealand)
Otago Polytechnic, School of Business, Tourism and IT (New Zealand)
UNITEC Institute of Technology, Business, Management and Communication Programs (New Zealand)
University of Auckland Business School (New Zealand)
University of Canterbury, UC Business School (New Zealand)
University of Otago, Otago Business School (New Zealand)
University of Waikato, Waikato Management School (New Zealand)
Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria Business School (New Zealand)
Goce Delvev University of Stip, Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics (Macedonia)
South East European University, Faculty of Business and Economics (Macedonia)
University American College Skopje. School of Business Economics and Management (Macedonia)
University of Ss Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Economics (Macedonia)
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) (Norway)
Norwegian Business School (BI) (Norway)
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) (Norway)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
Oslo and Akershus University College (Norway)
Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway)
University of Agder, School of Business and Law (Norway)
University of Bergen (Norway)
University of Oslo (Norway)
University of Stavanger (Norway)
INN University Høgskolen i Innlandet.
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 13,000 students, 1,000 academic and administrative staff (see
website) was established in 2017 from the merger of Hedmark University
College and Lillehammer University College and has six campuses, namely, Blaestad, Elverum, Evenstad, Hamar, Lillehammer and Rena. The university offers
35 one-year study programs and 52 Bachelor degree programs. Several of these are offered in English. There are also 31 Master programs and a choice
of 4 PhDs (plus one in cooperation with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The main teaching and research areas are ecology and agricultural sciences, psychology, sports,
law, music, health sciences, the social sciences, teacher education, language and literature, biotechnology, film, tv and culture, tourism, animation and game sciences, economics, and leadership
and innovation. INN has also teacher education and further education programs.
Inland School of Business and Social Sciences has five Departments: Law and International Studies, Psychology, Tourism Creative Industries and Marketing, Organization
Leadership and Management, and Business Administration (see website).
Norwegian higher education institutions are state-run. In general, tuition is not required although fees may be imposed for certain professional education programmes, further
and special education programmes and studies at private institutions.
Sohar University, Department of Business & Economics (Oman)
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Economics and Political Science (Oman)
ADEN International Business School (Panama)
Columbus University, Ciencias Administrativas, Economicas y Comerciales (Panama)
Technological University of Panama (Panama)
Universidad Catolica Santa Maria la Antigua, USMA Facultad de Negocios (Panama)
Universidad Latina de Panama, Facultad de Negocios (Panama)
University of Louisville Panama (Panama)
University of Panama (Panama)
West Coast University Panama (Panama)
Escuela de Administracion de Negocios (EDAN) (Paraguay)
Universidad Autonoma de Asuncion, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales (Paraguay)
Universidad Autonoma del Paraguay (Paraguay)
Universidad Catolica Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion (Paraguay)
Universidad del Norte (Paraguay)
Asian Institute of Management (AIM) (Philippines)
Ateneo de Manila University, Graduate School of Business (Philippines)
De la Salle University, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business (Philippines)
Saint Louis University, John Cook School of Business (Philippines)
Silliman University, College of Business Administration (Philippines)
St. Paul University Philippines Tuguegaraco City Cagayan (Philippines)
University of San Carlos, School of Business and Economics (Philippines)
University of Santo Tomas, UST Graduate School (Philippines)
University of the Philippines, Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business (Philippines)
St. Paul University Philippines (SPUP), Tuguegarao was founded in 1907 as "Colegio de San Pablo" and is one of 42 schools owned, managed, and operated by the
Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres in the Philippines, originating in the small village of Levesville-la-Chenard in the diocese of Chartres, northern France, by Father Louis Chauvet, the parish priest,
in 1696, with the help of Mademoiselle Marie Anne de Tilly, who trained the first members. Responding to the appeal of Bishop Frederick Rooker, seven Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres set sail from
Saigon, Vietnam, and arrived in Dumaguete, southern Philippines, in October 1904. The good Bishop counted on them to nurture the faith of the predominantly Catholic population
recently freed from 377 years of Spanish rule, "but which was then prey to ntense proselytizing by American Protestants as well as to the patriotic influences of the
Philippine Independent Church." Starting their missionary work under extreme conditions of poverty and great cultural difficulties, the Sisters proved to be excellent nurses
and educators with the result that other Bishops requested them for other dioceses.
Today, as educators among the many others, 249 Sisters serve more than 59,000 students in 35 schools; 85 Sisters in the Health Ministry serve 63,000 patients in 11 medical institutions;
59 Sisters are full-time pastoral workers, catechizing 78,000 children and adults, caring for street children, lepers, minority tribes, and the poor in the rural and urban areas; and the
91 retired Sisters support the active Sisters spiritually by their prayers and the offering of their pains. 62 Filipina Sisters are missionaries in 13 foreign countries. The year 2004 marks
the CongregationAbout Tonys 100th year of presence and service to the Filipino people. |
St. Paul University Philippines is the lead school of six in the St. Paul Philippines System; the others are SPU Quezon City, SPU Manila, SPU Dumagueta, SPU Iloilo, and SPU Surigo. SPUP, the primary university in the northern Philippines,
recognized by the Commission on Higher Education, Center of Excellence in Nursing Education, Center of Development in Teacher Education, Center of Development in Business Education, Center of Development
in Information Technology, Most Outstanding Student Services in the Philippines, Most Environment-Friendly School in Cagayan Valley and a Pontifical Catholic Center for Culture and the Arts.
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management (Poland)
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (Poland)
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Management and Social Communication (Poland)
Kozminski University, Kozminski International Business School (Poland)
Maria Curie-Skodowska University, Faculty of Economics (Poland)
National Louis University, Nowy Sacz Graduate Business School (Poland)
Nicolas Copernicus University, Faculty of Economics, Sciences and Management (Poland)
Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland)
Szkola Glówna Handlowa w Warszawie - SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
University of Bialystok , Faculty of Economics and Management (Poland)
University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)
University of Lodz, Faculty of Management (Poland)
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Economics (Poland)
Warsaw is a vibrant city with 10 universities and 250,000 students, the largest being the University of Warsaw adjacent to the Krakowskie, one of the best known and most prestigious streets of Poland's capital,
surrounded by historic palaces, churches and manor-houses.
University of Warsaw - Uniwersytet Warszawski with 55.000 undergraduate students, 3,000 postgradates, 3,200
doctorates, 7.300 academic staff - was founded as a Royal University in 1816, when the
Partitions of Poland separated Warsaw from the oldest and most influential University of Krakow. Alexander I granted permission for the
establishment of five faculties: law and political science, medicine, philosophy, theology and the humanities. All Polish-language
campuses were closed in 1869 after the failed January Uprising, but the university managed to train 3,000 students, many of whom
were important part of the Polish intelligentsia; meanwhile the Main Building was reopened for training military personnel. The university
was resurrected during the First World War and the number of students reached 4,500 in 1918. After Poland's independence, the new
government focused on improving the university, and in the early 1930s it became the country's largest.
Following the Second World War and the devastation of Warsaw, the University successfully reopened in 1945. Today, the University of
Warsaw consists of 126 buildings and educational complexes with over 18 faculties. The University offers some 37 different fields of study
and over 100 specializations in Humanities, technical as well as Natural Sciences.
Notable alumnis include Frederic Chopin (1810-1849), pianist, composer; David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), 1st Prime Minister of Israel (1948-53;
1955-63); Menachem Begin (1913-1992), 6th Prime Minister of Israel (1977-1983), Nobel Peace Prize winner (1978;) Yitzhak Shamir
(1915-2012) 7th Prime Minister of Israel (1983-1984 and 1986-1992); Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz (b. 1950), politician, Prime Minister of Poland
(1996-1997), Marshal of the Sejm (2005); Leonid Hurwicz (1917-2008), economist,
mathematician, Nobel Prize in Economics laureate (2007); many prime ministers and chief justices of Poland, and others.
University of Zielona Gora , Faculty of Economics and Management (Poland)
Vistual University, Faculty of Business and International Relations (Poland)
Warsaw University of Technology Business School (Poland)
Wroclav University of Economics (Poland)
Aese Escola de Direccao e Negocios (Portugal)
Instituto Superior de Gestao (Portugal)
Instituto Superior de Gestao Bancaria (Portugal)
Instituto Universitätio de Lisboa, ISCTE Business School (Portugal)
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Lisbon School of Business and Economics (Portugal)
Universidade Catolica, Catolica Porto Business School (Portugal)
Universidade de Aveiro - Departamento de Economia, Gestao e Engenharia Industrial (Portugal)
Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Students in robes for the first week of classes (2019).
Wikpedia Photo credit Peter K. Burian.
The University of Coimbra, Portugal, is home to over 20,000 students, was founded in 1290, and is therefore one of the oldest universities in the world,
It ranks Number 7 of the Prettiest College Campuses in the World..
UNESCO has added the university to its World Heritage List in 2013.
Stories passed along over generations of students, the University folklore is plentiful. One student usually asked his father for money, stating "Rent 20, Food 30". One day he asked "Rent 20, Food 30,
Hammering 20, Fixing of the hammer and medication 40." Another student had oral examinations at Law School. Unresponsive to the simplest of questions, the professor already impatient, turned to the bailiff and asked
"Bring in a stack of hay" to which the student very quickly added "And I'll have a glass of water please."
The years of dictatorship were gruesome. Apart from the students that got 7 years in prison for toasting
to freedom which led directly to the foundation of Amnesty International in 1961, in 1968 students would spend the whole night greasing streets and sidewalks with soap so the mounted police would have a hard time
chasing them down to break a demonstration. It is said that a student dared a policeman to get his shoes and feet wet chasing after a cigarette lighter, thrown in the duck pond, while he had the license for it in
his pocket. In those days one needed a permit to own a cigarette lighter, as imposed by dictator Salazar to protect the matches industry.
Universidade de Evora (Portugal)
Universidade de Lisboa, ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management (Portugal)
Universidade Europeia (Portugal)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal)
University of Minho, School of Economics and Management (Portugal)
University of Porto, Porto Business School (Portugal)
Bayamon Central University, College of Business Development and Technology (Puerto Rico, USA)
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Barranquitas, Department of Business (Puerto Rico, USA)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico, Colegio de Administracion de Empresas (Puerto Rico, USA)
Universidad de Puerto Rice, Recionto Mayaguez Colegio de Admin. de Empresas (Puerto Rico, USA)
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras Facultad de Admin. de Empresas (Puerto Rico, USA)
Universidad del Turabo, School of Business & Entrepreneurship (Puerto Rico, USA)
University of the Sacred Heart Sagrado, Department of Business Administration (Puerto Rico, USA)
College of the North Atlantic Qatar, School of Business Studies (Qatar)
Georgetown University Qatar (Qatar)
Qatar University, College of Business and Economics (Qatar)
Texas A&M University at Qatar (Qatar)
Alexandra Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Romania)
ASEBUSS - Institute for Business and Public Administration (Romania)
Babes-Bolyai University, Business Faculty (Romania)
Bucharest Business School (Romania)
Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Economics (Romania)
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Entrepreneurship (Romania)
Transilvany University of Brasov, Faculty of Economic Science and Business Administration (Romania)
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Business Administration (Romania)
University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Romania)
West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Romania)
National University of Samoa, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship (Fobe) (Samoa)
Comenius University Faculty of Management (Slovakia)
Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Faculty of Economics (Slovakia)
University of Zilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics (Slovakia)
Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Economics (Slovakia)
University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Cornenius University in Batislava Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave with 30,000 students and 2,000 faculty members
was founded in 1919 shortly after the formation of Czechoslovakia, with assitance from the more established University of Prague, and is Slovakia's oldest university named after Jan Amos Comenius, a 17th-century
Czech teacher and philosopher. As are most universities in Slovakia, it is funded mostly by the state. Plans to raise tuition fees in Slovakia failed to gain sufficient support in parliament in May 2005.
After the "Velvet revolution" in 1989, the University created a democratic self-government, and abolished the mandatory courses on Marxist ideology. The Roman Catholic Faculty of Theology and the
Evangelical Theological Faculty joined the university. The transformation of Slovakia into a market economy created a need for professionals in management and financial sciences. As a result, the
university established the Faculty of Management in 1991 and the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences in 2002. In 2000, the European credit transfer system was implemented to improve student mobility
and facilitate more ties with other European universities.
The Faculty of Management has five departments: Economics and Finance, Management, Marketing, Information Systems, and Strategy and Entrepreneurship. It offers bachelor study programs, master study
programs and two PhD study programs. The graduate study program is divided into two stages: the 3-year Bachelor study program of 180 credits and the 2-year MBA program with
120 credits. See Faculty website. "Courses are offered in Slovak and English, we have also French and German study programs." See
Image: Slovak delegation to Vitebsk State University, Belarus, from the Comenius University of Bratislava, headed by Prof. Jan Danko, head of the Molecular Medicine Division at the
Biomedical Center Martin (Biomed) Events.
GEA College, Faculty of Entrepreneurship (Slovenia)
IEDC - Bled School of Management (Slovenia)
University of Ljubljana, SEB LU School of Economics and Business (Slovenia)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business (Slovenia)
University of Nova Gorica, Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (Slovenia)
University of Primorska Faculty of Management (Slovenia)
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Faculty of Business & Management Studies (South Africa)
Damelin School of Business, Management and Corporate Training (South Africa)
Durban University of Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences (South Africa)
Henley Business School of Africa (South Africa)
Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) (South Africa)
Mangosuthu University of Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences
Milpark Business School (South Africa)
Nelson Mandela University Business School (South Africa)
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Quote by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918-2013)
Image and story Penn GSE
Nelson Mandela University 27,000 students, 4,100 staff formerly known as University of Port Elizabeth, history dating back to 1882,
was founded through a reorgaization and merger of three institutions in January 2005, is a comprehensive university offering professional and vocational training. The University has seven campuses - six in Port Elizabeth
and one in George. The main campus of the university is South Campus. Students at Nelson Mandela University can study towards a diploma or a degree up to doctoral level qualifications. A number of
courses include workplace experience as part of the About Tony. English is the university's medium of instruction.
The reorganization was part of a larger plan to restructure higher education in South Africa, that flowed out of a report by a working group (2002), and is in line with the National Plan for Higher Education,
which identified key goals and strategic objectives: (1) Increased access and graduates that meet human resource needs n Equity and redress; (2) Diversity, (3) Greater research capacity, (4) Restructuring
to overcome "the fragmentation, inequalities and inefficiencies of the apartheid past". ("Shake-up in South Africa gets green light"
Times Higher Education 14 June 2002.)
The Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences' schools are the Business School, the School for Industrial Psychology and Human Resources, the School of Accounting, the School of Economics, Development & Tourism,
the School of Management Sciences. See 2019 Prospectus (PDF).
The said prospectus explains on page 14: "Extended Programmes: "The high failure rate of first-year students at the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, particularly those from disadvantaged educational
backgrounds, is indicative of an underlying educational system not focused on the realities of our situation. Accepting students into programmes, knowing that the probability of success is very low, results not only
in the wastage of economic resources but also in a system which is ethically questionable.
The aim of the extended programme is to offer an integrated solution to the problems of an under-prepared matriculant wanting to study at the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences. It addresses the need for
academic bridging within the context of a particular mainstream programme.
"PHILOSOPHY The following are the fundamental principles underpinning the introduction of these programmes:
(1) Certain students, particularly students from educationally-disadvantaged communities, may have the potential to study successfully at a tertiary level but are under-prepared for the particular programme.
(2) It would be unethical to exclude students with potential if they are under-prepared due to reasons beyond their control. Opportunities should be developed to facilitate access.
(3) Allowing a student without the necessary potential to register for a programme is unproductive and unethical.
(4) Only students with potential and who are properly prepared should be accepted into the normal mainstream programmes.
(5) Students who have potential, but are under-prepared, should be provided access by: (a) providing relevant pre-tertiary development (bridging); and (b) integrating the bridging activities with mainstream study."
North-West University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (South Africa)
North-West University, NWU Business School (South Africa)
Regenesys Business School (RBS) (South Africa)
Regent Business School (South Africa)
Rhodes University, Rhodes Business School (South Africa)
Tshwane University of Technology, TUT Business School (South Africa)
University of Cape Town, UCT Graduate School of Business (South Africa)
University of Fort Hare, Faculty of Management & Commerce (South Africa)
University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Management (South Africa)
University of Kwazulu-Natal School of Accounting, Economics and Finance (South Africa)
UKNZ NsabaOnline; Left: Prof. Mabutho Sibanda, Dean & Head of School
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) 47,000 students, 1,330 academic staff, 5 campuses was formed as the merger in 2004 of the University of
Natal (founded in 1910) and the University of Durban (initially established for Indians during apartheid, opened in 1972). The proportion of African students has risen from 2016 - 72%, 2017 - 75% to 2018 - 78%.
The proportion of female students is 57%. UKZN ranks in the top 100 Young Universities of the world's Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Rankings 2019.
UKZN was ranked fourth out of the universities in South Africa by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and sixth by the QS World University Rankings 2018. UKZN has
historically had a very strong reputation in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and is ranked first in the country for physical sciences and engineering, second for computer science,
and third for mathematics - (Wikipedia).
The School of Accounting, Economics and Finance Message from Dean and Head of School of Accounting, Economics and Finance:
A warm South African welcome to the School a School with a mission to train and develop professionals to service both the public and private sectors in this ever-changing socio-economic
environment. As a School, we pride ourselves in quality teaching that is informed by research and practice. The School's dynamic team of academic staff constantly reviews programme materials in
order to meet the evolving needs of employers. In doing this, we remain committed to the pedagogic principles of teaching and learning whilst emphasizing innovation and creativity in the classroom
and beyond. To this end, the School has two advisory boards the Accounting Programmes Advisory Board (APAB) and the School Research Advisory Board (SRAB).
Both boards are chaired by external/industry practitioners and have at least 50% of membership from diverse sectors of the economy. The School comprises the disciplines of Accounting, Economics and Finance
and has over 3,000 students, of which about 900 are at postgraduate level. Our Accounting Programmes (Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (CTA)) are South African
Instituted of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) accredited at level 1 ¡ the highest level of accreditation achievable. Accounting graduates from the School have consistently attained a pass rate of at least 90%
in the SAICA Initial Test of Competence (ITC) exams over the past three years.
The School also offers two other programmes that are professionally accredited the Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management Accounting & Finance (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants accredited)
and the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning (Financial Planning Institute accredited). To promote access, the School offers some programmes in the evening in order to allow those employed to attend lectures.
These programmes are offered in the School's Self-Funded Teaching Programmes (SFTP) headed by the SFTP Director.
The School's Professional Services Staff (PSS), led by the School Operations Manager, will greet you with a smile and spirit of excellence. Please refer to their profiles for contact details.
Matriculants have an option to pursue the SAICA accredited Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting degree or the Bachelor of Business Science in Finance or Economics degree with us. I look forward to interacting with you soon!
Inspiring Greatness.
University of Limpopo, Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership
University of Pretoria, Gordon Institute of Business Science (South Africa)
University of South Africa, Graduate School of Business Leadership (South Africa)
University of Stellenbosch Business School (South Africa)
University of the Free State, UFS Business School (South Africa)
University of the Western Cape (South Africa)
University of Venda, School of Management Sciences (South Africa)
University of Witwatersrand, Wits Business School (South Africa)
Walter Sisulu University, Business, Management Sciences & Law (South Africa)
Catholic University of Korea (South Korea)
Changwon National University (South Korea)
Chonbuk National University, Graduate School of Business Administration (South Korea)
Chonnam National University, College of Business Administration (South Korea)
Chosun University (South Korea)
Chung-Ang University Business School (South Korea)
Chungbuk National University (South Korea)
Chungnam National University, College of Economics and Management (South Korea)
Dankook University (South Korea)
Ewha Womans University, Ewha School of Business (South Korea)
Gyeongsang National University (South Korea)
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea)
Hanyang University Business School (HUBS) (South Korea)
Kangwon National University (South Korea)
Keimyung University (South Korea)
Kookmin University (South Korea)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST College of Business (South Korea)
Korea University Business School (South Korea)
Kyung Hee University, School of Management (South Korea)
Kyungnam University (South Korea)
Kyungpook National University, School of Business Administration (South Korea)
Myongji University (South Korea)
Pusan National University, Graduate School of Management (South Korea)
Sejong University, Graduate School of Business (South Korea)
Seoul National University, SNU Business School (South Korea)
Sogang University, Sogang Business School (South Korea)
Sungkyuukwan University, Graduate School of Business (SKK GSB) (South Korea)
University of Seoul (South Korea)
Woosong University, Solbridge International School of Business (South Korea)
Yonsei University, Yonsei Schoo of Business (South Korea)
Barcelona Business School (Spain)
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Spain)
CESINE Design & Business School (Spain)
Comillas Universidad Pontificia, ICADE Business School (Spain)
EADA Business School Barclona (Spain)
EAE Business School (Spain)
EOI Business School (Spain)
ESADE Business School (Spain)
ESDEN Business School (Spain)
ESEUNE Business School (Spain)
ESIC Business & Marketing School (Spain)
EU Business School (Spain)
Foro Europeo Escuela de Negocios de Navarra (Spain)
Fundesem Business School (Spain)
GBSB Global Business School (Spain)
IE Business School (Spain)
IEBS Business Schoo (Spain) l
IESE Business School (Spain)
IMF Business School (Spain)
Instituto Atlantico de Gobierno (Spain)
Instituto Internacional San Telmo (Spain)
International Business School Barcelona (ESEI) (Spain)
Loyola University Andalusia, School of Economics and Business Science (Spain)
Nebrija Business School (Spain)
OBS Business School (Spain)
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain)
Pompeu Fabra University, UPF Barcelona School of Management (Spain)
Ramon Llull University, IQS School of Management (Spain)
Spain Business School (Spain)
Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
The Ostelea, School of Tourism and Hospitality (Spain)
The Valley Digital Business School (Spain)
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Department of Business Administration (Spain)
Universidad Complutense Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales (Spain)
Paraninfo Complutense during the opening of the Academic Year 08 November 2011 by PaulTheOctopus Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spanish: Universidad Complutense de Madrid or Universidad de Madrid; Latin: Universitas Complutensis) is a public research
university located in Madrid, and one of the oldest universities in the world. The university enrolls over 86,000 students, being the 3rd largest non-distance European university by enrollment,
and consistently ranking as one of the top universities in Spain. According to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo (3 December 2013), the university is widely regarded as the most prestigious academic
institution in Spain. It is located on a sprawling campus that occupies the entirety of the Ciudad Universitaria district of Madrid, with annexes in the district of Somosaguas in the neighboring city of
Pozuelo de Alarcón. Website English.
In recent years, the roster of alumni comprises recipients of the Nobel Prize, Prince of Asturias Awards, Miguel de Cervantes Prize, as well as European Commissioners, Presidents of the EU Parliament,
European Council Secretary General, ECB Executive Board members, NATO Secretary General, UNESCO Director General, IMF Managing Director, and Heads of State. In the course of over seven centuries,
the University has provided invaluable contributions in the sciences, fine arts, and political leadership. Alumni include renowned philosophers (José Ortega y Gasset, Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas of Villanova),
writers (Federico Garcia Lorca, Antonio de Nebrija, Pedro Calderón de la Barca), scientists (Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Severo Ochoa, Andrés Manuel del Rio, Ricardo Rubio), historians (Juan de Mariana,
Juan Ginés de Sepulveda), military leaders (Don John of Austria, Alexander Farnese, Cardinal Cisneros), foreign leaders (Cardinal Mazarin, José Rizal), and many Prime Ministers of Spain.
In the year 1785, the University became one of the first universities in the world to grant a Doctorate degree to a female student. By Royal Decree of 1857, the University was the only institution in
Spain authorized to grant doctorates throughout the Spanish Empire.
Universidad de Alcala
Universidad de Burgos (Spain)
Universidad de Cadiz (Spain)
Universidad de Cordoba (Spain)
Universidad de Deusto, Deusto Business School (Spain)
Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
Universidad de Huelva (Spain)
Universidad de Jaen (Spain)
Universidad de La Laguna (Spain)
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Universidad de Leon (Spain)
Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
Universidad de Valencia, Dpto Direccion de Empresas Juan Jose Renau Piqueras (Spain)
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Vigo (Spain)
Universidad Europa, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Communicacion (Spain)
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Facultad de la Empresa y Communicacion (Spain)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Universität Autonoma de Barcelona, ICADE Business School (Spain)
Universität de Barcelona, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa (Spain)
Universität de Girona (Spain)
University of Granada (Spain)
University of Navarra, School of Economics and Business (Spain)
University of Salamanca (Spain)
University of Seville (Spain)
University of the Basque Country (Spain)
University of Zaragoza (Spain)
Valencian International University, Universidad Internacional de Valencia (Spain)
Technological University of the Americas (Suriname)
Anton de Kom University of Suriname (Suriname)
Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
Dalarna University (Sweden)
Halmstad University (Sweden)
Jonkoping International Business School (Sweden)
Karlstad University (Sweden)
Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
Kristianstad University (Sweden)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Linkopings Universitet, Division of Business Administration (Sweden)
Linnaeus University (Sweden)
Lund University, School of Economics & Management (LUSEM) (Sweden)
Malardalen University (Sweden)
Malmo University (Sweden)
Orebro University, School of Business (Sweden)
Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden)
Stockholm University, Stockholm Business School (Sweden)
Umea University, Umea School of Business, Economics and Statistics (Sweden)
University of Boras (Sweden)
University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law (Sweden)
Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies (Sweden)
AGSB - American Graduate School of Business (Switzerland)
Business School Lausanne (Switzerland)
École Hôtelière les Roches (Switzerland)
EHL École Hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Eidengenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Department of Economics (Switzerland)
Professor Francis Kahn
Geneva Business School (GBS) was founded in 1995 in Geneva, Switzerland,
in the heart of the International District, the worldwide headquarter of diplomacy, and home of the Palace of Nations and the World Trade Organization.
GBS has other campuses in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain. Each campus provides relocation services, including guidance on accomodation,
insurance, bank accounts. and legal guidance regarding migration requirements. See GBS Homepage.
Programs include bachelor's degree in International Management with different specializations such as International Management, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, International Relations,
Sports Management, and International Finance, Master's Degree in International Management, Master of Business Administration, Fine Art International Management MBA (online), International Executive Master
of Business Administration, and a Doctor of Business Administration.
Primarily, research in Geneva Business School falls under four thematic areas, however these themes are not exclusive: The contribution of business and corporate governance
to human development and social change; corporate social responsibility, including risk management on sustainability and environmental issues; the development and impact of emerging disruptive technologies
and business models in the workplace and society, and cross-cultural, cross-market and global, business leadership with a focus on sports, energies and lifestyle industries.
According to president Professor Francis Kahn, "Geneva Business School is all about quality. We want our students to learn in quality environments, with quality professors, and to participate in quality programs.
At the end of their time with GBS we want 100% of our students to recommend us to their friends who might be wondering what to do with their lives. If they choose GBS, they won't regret it!"
"We see the business school experience as a holistic process. Rather than breaking all our business school topics into individual components, we connect one topic to another. ThatAbout Tonys a key differentiator of our program.
For example, when students are studying Design Thinking and Lean Thinking, they do them in tandem. This allows them to see the connections between the two concepts and enables our students to integrate them when solving
a business problem. We do that with all of our courses at the Master About Tony s degree level."
More "How GBS Stays Agile in the Digital Age".
Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland)
IMD Business School (Switzerland)
International Institute of Certified Professional Accountants (IICPA) (Switzerland)
Montreux Business University (Switzerland)
Swiss Business School (SBS) (Switzerland)
Universität St. Gallen, School of Management (Switzerland)
Universite de Geneve, Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) (Switzerland)
Universite de Lausanne, HEC Lausanne (Switzerland)
University of Basel (Switzerland)
University of Bern (Switzerland)
University of Business and International Studies (UBIS), Geneva (Switzerland)
University of Fribourg, International Institute of Management (Switzerland)
University of Lucerne (Switzerland)
University of Lugano (Switzerland)
University of Neuchatel - Faculty of Economics and Business (Switzerland)
University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics (Switzerland)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHAW), School of Management and Law (Switzerland)
Webster University Geneva
Webster Geneva Campus offers the best aspects of American education, combined with qualities that make Switzerland a premier destination
for higher learning and global engagement. See Geneva home website .
Join Us in Switzerland!
Your transition from high school to university is all about new possibilities. At Webster we believe every student has the potential for individual excellence, and we support
each student's path to achievement. On campus in Geneva, you will find dynamic and challenging academic programs as well as student services and activities designed to help you succeed.
Your journey begins with our admissions team's support. We are here to help with questions about the admissions process, and general questions about majors, our campus and living
in Switzerland. This page includes some important details and resources as you start your application. You can also contact us at any time for specific questions along the way.
Since 1978, we have welcomed thousands of students worldwide for a degree program or Study Abroad &@151; and annually, more than 90 nationalities are represented in the student community.
Our small class sizes ensure you receive individual attention from our faculty who bring real-world learning to the classroom.
Swiss Quality, Globally Valued Webster's accredited Bachelor and Master programs are recognized worldwide and will give you strong future career opportunities. We are dedicated to excellence in teaching, meeting
students' learning needs and incorporating an international perspective throughout the About Tony.
Discover Webster Geneva Find out more about programs, students, faculty and events at Webster Geneva Campus. Our Spotlight shares tips and insights about internships,
scholarships, accreditation, academic research, student events - and so much more!
Undergraduate Programs:
A Message from Our Director "At Webster Geneva Campus, the concept of an international education becomes reality, as students from about 90 countries per year come together in a community of learners engaged
by a globally diverse faculty. On campus, you will not only find a stimulating environment that will prepare you for the future, but you will also join a remarkable network of talented
students and alumni." (Ryan Guffey, PhD, Director)
Feng Chia University, College of Business (Taiwan)
Fu Jen Catholic University, College of Management (Taiwan)
National Central University, School of Management (Taiwan)
National Cheng Kung University, College of Management (Taiwan)
National Chengchi University, College of Commerce (Taiwan)
National Chiao-Tung University, College of Management (Taiwan)
National Chung Hsing University, College of Management (Taiwan)
National Sun Yat-Sen University, College of Management (Taiwan)
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, School of Management (Taiwan)
National Taiwan University, College of Management (Taiwan)
National Yang-Ming University (Taiwan)
Soochow University, School of Business (Taiwan)
Tamkang University, College of Business and Management (Taiwan)
Ardhi University, School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM) (Tanzania)
Mzumbe University, School of Business (Tanzania)
St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Faculty of Business Administration (Tanzania)
Tumaini University Makumira (Tanzania)
University of Dar es Salaam Business School (Tanzania)
University of Dodoma, School of Business Studies and Law (Tanzania)
Assumption University of Thailand .
The first missionary contact with Thailand was in 1511. Since then Roman Catholic missions have been resident continuously. "[T]he missionaries realized that 'the extension of their influence throughout
the school year has a much more lasting effect on character than gratitude for relief from pain which evaporates very swiftly.' Hence there was a growing empasis on involvement in education rather than
in medicine, although the latter has never been forgotten as can be seen in some of key hospitals and dispensaries."
The Catholic penetration of Siam, as Thailand was known until 1939, began with the friendship between Bishop Pallegoix of the French Mission and King Mongkut ("Rana IV", 1851-58) while he was still a Buddhist
monk and "his eagerness to learn Latin, French and theology from Pallegoix with English from American missionaries, his curiosity to learn things Western and in 1856 his recognition of the right of the Thais to
choose their own religion had a long lasting impact on missionary education. Even now the King of Thailand is regarded as the Patron and Protector of all Faiths, although he himself is a Buddhist.
(Keith Watson (2011:72-73), "Education in the Third World," Google eBook)
Assumption University Suvarnabhumi Campus at Bankok Bangna.
Photo credit The Bangkok Post
Assumption University of Thailand has 20,000 students, is a private Catholic university with 4 campuses in different locations of Bangkok's densely populated 15 million Metropolitan Region. The university is
led by the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, a worldwide Catholic religious order founded in France in 1708 by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, and has been active in education in Thailand since 1901. Assumption College schools
are found in all major cities of Thailand educating children from grades 1 to 12, many of them moving on to study at Assumption College. The University originated from Assumption Commercial College in 1969 as an
autonomous higher education institution under the name Assumption Business College. In 1972, it was officially established as Assumption Business Administration College or ABAC. The beginning period was not smooth;
the university was still under construction; there was civil commotion and continued protests by students. The pioneers of Assumption University worked hard to set the foundation of what it is today.
Assumption University is noted for attracting large numbers of foreign students from countries including Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and other Asian countries.
Students from China make up the largest number of foreign students. There are exchange students from the United States (Loyola) and Europe. Assumption University was also the first international university in Thailand.
What students blog: "When you ask anyone about ABAC/AU, they'll say it's a beautiful school with rich students." "Almost every Thai dreams of going to these elite schools Thammasart, Chula,
and, Mahidol... With the degree that you have earned from those places, it will surely put you at par with the highly educated ruling class Thais, which would open many doors and oportunities later." (thaivisa.com
"Opinions and Critisms Please" and iagora.com)
Asian Institute of Technology, AIT School of Management (Thailand)
Bangkok University (Thailand)
Dusit Thani College - Hospitality Management (Thailand)
Chiang Mai University, Faculty of Business Administration (Thailand)
Chulalongkorn University, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration (Thailand)
Sasin Institute of Graduate School of Business.
The university originally is founded during King Chulalongkorn's reign as a school for training royal pages and civil servants
in 1899 at the Grand Palace of Thailand, as a established as a national university in 1917 as the oldest institute of higher
education in Thailand. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej bestowed the name on the Graduate Institute of Business
Administration on his 60th birthday 1987, sasin meaning "rabbit" represents the king's birth year in the Thai 12-year astro-
logical cycle. Sasin GSB full-time faculty members hold doctoral degrees from internationally recognized universities such
as Carnegie Mellon, Cambridge, Imperial, Northwestern, London School of Business (currently, London Business School),
Oxford, Southern California, and University of Michigan.
Kasetsart University (Thailand)
Khon Kaen University, College of Graduate Studies in Management (Thailand)
King Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Faculty of Administration & Management (Thailand)
Mahidol University, College of Management (Thailand)
Naresuan University, Faculty of Business, Economics and Communication (Thailand)
Mirapro Co., Ltd. delegates from visit to PSU
Prince of Songkla University Faculty of Management Sciences (Thailand)
Ramkhamkaeng University, Institute of International Studies (Thailand)
Thammasat University, Thammasat Business School (Thailand)
Dusit Thani College - Hospitality Management -
was established in 1993 as 'The Dusit Thani Hotel School', an addition to the Dusit Thani Group with
36 properties as of 2019 in Thailand,
the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Guam, China, Bhutan, the Maldives, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt and Kenya. Programs:
- Undergraduate Thai Program: 3 bachelor's degree programs: Hotel Management, Service Innovation in Tourism Industry, and Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management.
- Undergraduate International Program: 2 bachelor's degree programs: Hotel and Resort Management, academic certification by
Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne",
Professional Culinary Arts, a jointly degree between Le Cordon Bleu and Dusit Thani College.
- Postgraduate Thai Program: 2 master's degree programs: Master of Business Administration (Hospitality Business Management), Master of Business Administration (Innovative Entrepreneur).
Dusit Thani College strives to build one of the worldAbout Tonys largest providers of academically accredited hospitality education and training programmes which meet the needs of the industry internationally.
for its graduates' career in the hospitality business, at all levels, and "without unnecessary academic barriers."
"Dusit Hospitality Education currently operates the renowned Dusit Thani College
(with campuses in Bangkok and Pattaya); the pioneering Dusit Hospitality Management College in Manila, Phillippines, which is integrated with the dusitD2 The Fort, Manila hotel; and, together with
the world-famous Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School, Le Cordon Bleu Dusit Culinary School in Bangkok. Dusit Hospitality Education is now exploring opportunities to introduce its unique brand of education in
Australia, Sri Lanka, and more key destinations worldwide" (Dusit Hospitality Education).
Universite de Kara, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (Togo)
Universite de Lome, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (FASEG) (Togo)
University of Science and Technology, Faculte des Sciences de Gestion (Togo)
University of the West Indies, Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business (Trinidad & Tobago)
University of the Southern Caribbean, School of Business (Trinidad & Tobago)
Avicenne Private Business School (Tunisia)
ESSEC Tunis (Tunisia)
IHEC Carthage (Tunisia)
Institut Superieur de Gestion de Tunis (ISG) (Tunisia)
Mediterranean School of Business (Tunisia)
Universite de Gafsa, Higher Institute of Business Administration (Tunisia)
Universite de la Manouba, Ecole Superieure de Commerce (Tunisia)
Universite de Tunis el Manar, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management (Tunisia)
University of Monastir, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Mahdia (Tunisia)
UKRAINE Is under martial law invoked since Russian Armed Forces military invasion 24 February 2022
The BBC 2022-03-03
Donetsk National University in Vinnytsia, Faculty of Economics (Ukraine)
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Financial Management and Business (Ukraine)
Kiev National Economic University (Ukraine)
Krok University, Krok Business School (Ukraine)
Kyiv Mohyla Business School (Ukraine)
Kyiv School of Economics (Ukraine)
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Economics and Management (Ukraine)
MIM Kyiv, International Management Institute (Ukraine)
National Technical University of Ukraine, Faculty of Management and Marketing (Ukraine)
Ukranian Catholic University, Lviv Business School (Ukraine)
Zaporizhzhya National University, Faculty of Management (Ukraine)
Ukranian Catholic University is the only Catholic university in the post-Soviet area,
as a private educational and research institution; one of the most successful private educational projects in western Ukraine.
Lviv Business School (LvBS) "specializes in programs that are developed at the intersection
of business, philosophic and humanitarian environments (eg, through Corporate programs such as LvBS Consulting in the new post-Soviet free market era).
Being a unique symbiosis of a business school and a Catholic university, it runs business programs in line with general human values and cooperates closely
with organizations that value quality, cherish good thinking, and aspire to success in the market."
Students of the Ukrainian Catholic University spend their summers studying in places like Harvard University, Rome, and other locations;
Article 09 September 2019.
LvBS graduation 2018 video on
Palm Jumeirah Island, Dubai. The tree-shaped island is known for glitzy hotels, posh apartment towers and upmarket global restaurants.
Abu Dhabi University, College of Business Administration (UAE)
Ajman University, College of Business Administration (CBA) (UAE)
American University in Dubai, School of Business Administration (UAE)
American University of Sharjah, School of Business Administration (UAE)
Canadian University in Dubai, School of Business Administration
Institute of Management Technology Dubai - IMT Dubai (UAE)
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), College of Business and Economics (UAE)
University of Dubai, Dubai Business School (UAE)
University of Sharjah, College of Business Administration (UAE)
University of Woolongong in Dubai, Faculty of Business and Management (UAE)
Zayed University, College of Business (UAE)
Aberystwyth University Prifysgol Aberystwyth with currently 8,000 undergraduate and 1,500 postgraduate students was founded in 1872 as
the University College of Wales, has 3 academic faculties and 17 departments. Aberystwyth University is placed in the UKAbout Tonys top 50 universities in the main national rankings. It is the first university in the world
to be awarded Plastic Free University status (for single-use plastic items). Most of the student residences are on campus, with the rest in walking distance of the campus and Aberystwyth town centre. Accommodation
ranges from 'traditional' catered residences to en-suite self-catered accommodation, and from budget rooms to more luxurious studio apartments. All have wired access to the University's computer network and a support
network of residential tutors. Introductory Video on YouTube.
Aberystwyth Business School In 1998 the Department of Economics (founded 1912), the Department of Accounting and Finance (founded 1979) and the Centre for Business Studies merged to
create the School of Management and Business. In 2013, the School joined the Department of Information Studies and the Department of Law and Criminology at a new campus at Llanbadarn Fawr. In 2016 the Institute,
minus the Department of Information Studies, was renamed the Institute of Business and Law, the remaining departments being renamed Aberystwyth Business School and Aberystwyth Law School.
Professor Andrew Thomas, Head of Aberystwyth Business School writes: "In choosing a university, you are
facing a difficult and crucial decision that will help shape your future. One of the main reasons for choosing Aberystwyth is that we give our students the freedom to think creatively and critically, while
developing academically and professionally in a versatile learning environment. If you come to Aberystwyth, you will be studying in a university that delivers innovative degrees underpinned by ground-breaking
research. Aberystwyth University welcomes students from all parts of the UK and Europe, as well as international regions and countries including China, Malaysia, the Gulf region and Africa."
More at About us | To watch the Abersystwyth Business School graduating students's video click on
Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth Business School (United Kingdom)
Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom)
Ashridge Executive Education, Hult International Business School (United Kingdom)
Aston University, Aston Business School (United Kingdom)
Bangor University (United Kingdom)
Birkbeck, University of London (United Kingdom)
Birmingham City University (United Kingdom)
BPP University (United Kingdom)
Brunel University London, Brunel Business School (United Kingdom)
Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff School of Management (United Kingdom)
Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School (United Kingdom)
City University, Cass Business School (United Kingdom)
Coventry University, Coventry Business School (United Kingdom)
Cranfield University, Cranfield School of Management (United Kingdom)
De Montfort University, Leicester Castle Business School (United Kingdom)
Durham University Business School (United Kingdom)
Edinburgh Napier University Business School (United Kingdom)
Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom)
Goldsmiths, University of London (United Kingdom)
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Business School (United Kingdom)
Hull University Business School (United Kingdom)
Imperial College London, Imperial College Business School (United Kingdom)
Keele University (United Kingdom)
King's College London (United Kingdom)
Kingston University London, Kingston Business School (United Kingdom)
Lancaster University Management School (United Kingdom)
Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom)
London Business School (United Kingdom)
London Metropolitan University (United Kingdom)
London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) (United Kingdom)
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (United Kingdom)
London South Bank University (United Kingdom)
Loughborough University School of Business and Economic (United Kingdom) s
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School (United Kingdom)
Middlesex University London Business School (United Kingdom)
Newcastle University Business School (United Kingdom)
Northumbria University Newcastle Business School (United Kingdom)
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School (United Kingdom)
Nottingham University Business School (United Kingdom)
Open University Business School (United Kingdom)
Oxford Brookes University Business School (United Kingdom)
Plymouth University, Plymouth Business School (United Kingdom)
Queen Mary, University of London (United Kingdom)
Queen's University Belfast (United Kingdom)
Regent's University London (United Kingdom)
Robert Gordon University of Winchester, Winchester Business School (United Kingdom)
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Business School (United Kingdom)
Southampton Solent University (United Kingdom)
Staffordshire University (United Kingdom)
University College Birmingham (United Kingdom)
University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom)
University of Bath School of Management (United Kingdom)
University of Bedfordshire (United Kingdom)
University of Birmingham Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Bolton (United Kingdom)
University of Bradford School of Management (United Kingdom)
University of Buckingham (United Kingdom)
University of Cambridge, Judge Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
University of Chester (United Kingdom)
University of Derby (United Kingdom)
University of Dundee (United Kingdom)
University of East London (United Kingdom)
University of Edinburgh Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Essex, Essex Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Exeter Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Greenwich (United Kingdom)
University of Hertfordshire Business School Hatfield (United Kingdom)
University of Huddersfield Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Kent, Kent Business School, Canterbury (United Kingdom)
University of Leeds, Leeds University Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Leicester (United Kingdom)
University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Northampton (United Kingdom)
University of Oxford, Said Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom)
University of Reading, Henley Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Salford
University of Sheffield, Management School (United Kingdom)
University of South Wales (United Kingdom)
University of Southampton, Southampton Business School (United Kingdom)
University of St. Andrews School of Management (United Kingdom)
University of Stirling (United Kingdom)
University of Stirling was granted its Royal Charter in 1967 as ScotlandAbout Tonys youngest university.
As well as being a major heritage site, StirlingAbout Tonys stunning campus was also ranked 1st for its environment by International Student Barometer in 2016. Encompassing a loch and a golf course, the
330-acre parkland campus sits at the point where Lowland and Highland Scotland meet, in the shadow of the Ochil Hills. The university also has other campuses one in the Highlands, which offers
a wide variety of medicine and teaching courses, and another in the Western Isles, situated close to Stornoway.
Considered one of ScotlandAbout Tonys leading universities for sport, Stirling has strong sporting alumni including professional golfer Gordon Sherry and Olympic swimmer Todd Cooper and has
a number of excellent sporting facilities.
Sterling University is recognized as a top research-intensive university in the UK in the fields of health and wellbeing, the environment and people, culture and society, enterprise and the economy, as well as sport.
With a cohort of almost 14,000, students make up over a quarter of the total population of the city of Stirling. International students number around 20% of the whole and represent more than 120 nationalities.
The university is organised across five academic faculties. A recent large-scale infrastructure investment in the university's campuses has resulted in refurbished student accommodation and
improved library facilities. The main Stirling campus has a selection of restaurants and cafes, a 50 metre swimming pool, a publicly accessible art collection and the Macrobert Arts Centre
comprising a theatre, cinema and bars. The centre of Stirling, just a ten minute bus ride away, is a compact city that maintains a strong community feel.
Source: Times Higher Education.
University of Strathclyde Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Suffolk (United Kingdom)
University of Sunderland (United Kingdom)
University of Surrey, Surrey Business School (United Kingdom)
University of the West of England, Bristol Business School (United Kingdom)
University of Warwick, Warwick Business School (United Kingdom)
Alderson Broaddus University (United States)
American University, Kogod School of Business (United States)
Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Business (United States)
Arkansas State University, College of Business (United States)
Auburn University, Raymond J. Harbert College of Business (United States)
Babson College, F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business (United States)
Baptist College of Florida, The (United States)
Baruch College, CUNY, Zicklin School of Business (United States)
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business (United States)
Bentley University, McCullum Graduate School of Business (United States)
Berea College, Economics & Business Department (United States)
Berea College is a private liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, founded in 1855. Berea College achieved national distinction as the first coeducational and interracial college in the South.
With an emphasis on service to the people of Appalachia and beyond, Berea enrolls 1,600 students from 40 states and 60 countries. The College has a longstanding commitment to interracial education; here,
people of different races seek to learn from and about each other, while also living together. Berea is among the most racially diverse private liberal arts colleges in the United States.
The college admits only students whose families are unable to afford the high cost of tuition, and awards each of them a four-year tuition scholarship. BereaAbout Tonys students excel in the CollegeAbout Tonys supportive but
demanding academic environment, and many are the first in their families to graduate from college. The College is one of seven federally recognized Work Colleges, and all students hold a labor position in
which they work 10-12 hours per week in all areas of the College. Graduates distinguish themselves in a variety of fields, including social service, government, ministry, the arts, business, education,
medicine, and science, and many go on to earn graduate degrees.
Source: About Berea College. See also "Berea College: Has a US university
cracked student debt?" BBC News by Holly Honderich, 02 December 2019 "Immerse yourself into Berea College's 360 realm"
YouTube Video
Berry College, Campbell School of Business (United States)
Black Hills State University, College of Business and Natural Sciences (United States)
Boston College, Carroll School of Management (United States)
Boston University, Questrom School of Business (United States)
Bradley University, Foster College of Business Administration (United States)
Brandeis University, International Business School (United States)
Brigham Young University Hawaii, College of Business, Computing and Government (United States)
Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Business (United States)
Bryan College, Dayton TN (United States)
Bryant University, College of Business- Bryant University (United States)
Bucknell University, School of Management (United States)
Butler University, Andre B. Lacy School of Business (United States)
California Coast University
is a private for-profit online university based in Santa Ana, California. It is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission and approved by the State of California. It enrolls approximately 8,000 students.
History California Coast University was founded in 1973 as California Western University, with administration and library facilities located in downtown Santa Ana, California. The name was changed to California Coast
University in 1981. In 2010, CCU moved to larger headquarters to accommodate its continued growth.
Academics CCU presently offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business administration, management, marketing, psychology, criminal justice, human resource management, health care management, and education.
Academics at California Coast University are offered through five schools: School of Administration and Management, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Behavioral Science, School of Criminal Justice, and School of Education.
CCU was initially accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) on January 8, 2005. DEAC accreditation recognizes the validity of CCU degrees up to doctoral level.
CCU has been approved to operate by the State of California since 1974. Approval to operate is presently granted by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE),
a unit of the California Department of Consumer Affairs.
The BPPE approves private postsecondary schools to operate in the state that meet "minimum standards established by the Bureau for integrity, financial stability, and educational quality."
In 2004, and prior to their DEAC accreditation, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) found that federal employees had improperly received subsidies to attend CCU. The report also found that federal agencies may have
incorrectly accepted CCU degrees issued before their accreditation.
Format and delivery.
Since the early 1970s, California Coast University has offered off-campus self-paced degree programs to mid-career adults. Students were accepted who had verifiable years of full-time employment in the major field or a closely
related field.[5] In the 1980s, seven years of verifiable full time on the job experience were required before entering the doctoral programs. Five years of experience were required to enter the master's degree (MS) programs,
and three years of experience were required to enter the baccalaureate (BS) programs. Academic approval by California required not less than nine months or one academic year to complete any degree program (a minimum of three
years for the doctoral degrees). Students earn their degrees through a variety of methods including transfer credit from other recognized educational institutions, courses completed at CCU, and specialized, documented, formal
training (undergraduate level only). In addition, doctoral students must complete a dissertation focused on research related to the field of education and an oral defense before their dissertation committee.
Originally, California Coast University provided distance education degrees, at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral level, for a variety of majors including business administration, management, psychology, education, and
engineering management. Over time, the engineering management programs, along with the other doctoral programs, were phased out in response to a reorientation of the CCU programs in preparation for accreditation by DETC (now DEAC).
Students completing programs that were discontinued could complete their degrees in a teach-out agreement with the accreditor. Teach-out agreements are a standard practice required of all recognized educational institutions.
During the teach-out phase, qualified faculty continue to work with enrolled students.
Since accreditation, CCU has continued to expand and to offer more distance education programs in the areas of health care administration and management, criminal justice, human resource management, marketing, general studies, and to offer additional master's and professional doctoral degrees in education, since DEAC became authorized by US Department Of Education to accredit professional doctorates.[7]
California Coast University, Administration and Management [distance DEAC & CHEA accredited] (United States)
California State University Chico, College of Business (United States)
California State University Fresno, Craig School of Business (United States)
California State University Long Beach, College of Business Administration (United States)
California State University Los Angeles, College of Business and Economics (United States)
California State University Sacramento, College of Business Administration (United States)
Calumet College of St. Joseph (United States)
Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper Business School (United States)
Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management (United States)
Central Michigan University, College of Business Administration (United States)
Chaminade University of Honolulu, School of Business& Communication (United States)
Chapman University, Argyros School of Business and Economics (United States)
City University of New York, Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business (United States)
Claremont Graduate University, Drucker School of Management (United States)
Clark University, School of Management (United States)
Clarkson University, School of Business (United States)
Clemson University, Clemson College of Business (United States)
College of the Ozarks (United States)
Colorado State University, College of Business (United States)
Columbia University Business School (United States)
Joseph Stieglitz at Kön; Rathaus, Germany
Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (*1943) is an American economist, public policy analyst, and a professor at Columbia University. He is a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) and the John Bates Clark
Medal (1979).[2][3] He is a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank and is a former member and chairman of the (US president's) Council of Economic Advisers.] He is known for his support
of Georgist public finance theory and for his critical view of the management of globalization, of laissez-faire economists (whom he calls "free market fundamentalists"), and of international institutions such as
the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Stiglitz has advised American president Barack Obama, but has also been sharply critical of the Obama Administration's financial-industry rescue plan. Stiglitz said that whoever designed the Obama administration's
bank rescue plan is "either in the pocket of the banks or they're incompetent."
Stiglitz has received more than 40 honorary degrees, including from Cambridge and Harvard, and he has been decorated by several governments including Bolivia, Korea, Colombia, Ecuador, and most recently France,
where he was appointed a member of the Legion of Honor, order Officer.
Stiglitz is now a professor at Columbia University, with appointments at the Columbia Business School
(Video 1.04 minute),
the Department of Economics and the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), and is editor of The Economist's Voice journal with J. Bradford DeLong and Aaron Edlin.
The Three Trillion Dollar War is a 2008 book by Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Professor
Linda Bilmes, also an economist. The book examines the full cost of the Iraq War including many hidden costs. The U.S. and British invasion began 2003, casualties are ranging from 151,000 violent deaths as of June 2006 to over a million.
The authors conclude by illustrating the opportunity cost of the resources spent on waging the war. The total cost of $3 trillion is comparable to that found in other studies.
The Joint Economic Committee of Congress estimated that the war would cost $3.5 trillion. The book also discusses the extent to which these costs will be imposed for many years to come, paying special
attention to the expenditures that will be required to care for wounded veterans. The book was a New York Times and international best-seller and has been translated into 22 languages.
Main source: Wikipedia View Joseph Stiglit's (2013) talk on "The Price of Inequality"
Video on YouTube | The Book at
Coppin State College (Nited States)
Cornell University, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management (United States)
Creighton University, Heider College of Business (United States)
Crossroads College (United States)
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business (United States)
Delaware State University, College of Business (United States)
DePaul University, Driehaus College of Business and Kellstadt Graduate School of Business (United States)
Dickinson State University (United States)
Dillard University, New Orleans, LA (United States)
Drexel University, Lebow College of Business (United States)
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business (United States)
Duquesne University, College of Business (United States)
Edward Waters College (United States)
Elon University, Martha& Spencer Love School of Business (United States)
Else School of Management- Millsaps College (United States)
Emmanuel College, Boston MA (United States)
Emory University, Goizueta Business School (United States)
Fairfield University, Charles F. Dolan School of Business (United States)
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Silberman College of Business (United States)
Florida International University, College of Business (United States)
Florida Southern College, Barney Barnett School of Business& Free Enterprise (United States)
Florida State University , College of Business (United States)
Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business (United States)
Fort Valley State University (United States)
Francis Marion University, School of Business (United States)
George Mason University, School of Business (United States)
George Washington University, GW School of Business (United States)
Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business (United States)
Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business (United States)
Georgia Southern University, College of Business Administration (United States)
Georgia State University, J. Mack Robison College of Business (United States)
Gonzaga University, School of Business Administration (United States)
Harvard University, Harvard Business School (United States)
Hawaii Pacific University, College of Business (United States)
Hofstra University, Frank G. Zarb School of Business (United States)
Howard University, School of Business (United States)
Idaho State University, College of Business (United States)
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business (United States)
Iowa State University, College of Business (United States)
Jackson State University, College of Business (United States)
James Madison University, College of Business (United States)
John Carroll University, Boler School of Business (United States)
John C. Smith University (United States)
John Hopkins University, Carey Business School (United States)
Kansas State University, College of Business Administration (United States)
Kean University College of Business and Public Management (United States)
Kean University is a public university in Union and Hillside, New Jersey with 16,000 students and 1,300 academic and administrative staff.
Kean University is best known for its programs in the humanities and social sciences and in education, graduating the most teachers
in the state of New Jersey annually. Kean University was founded in 1855, initially established as a teacher-education college, Kean University has grown to become the third largest institution of higher education
in New Jersey and currently comprises five undergraduate colleges and the Nathan Weiss Graduate College. Kean University also hosts numerous research institutions, perhaps most prominently the New Jersey Center
for Science, Technology and Mathematics, the Kean University Human Rights Institute, the Holocaust Resource Center, the Wynona Moore Lipman Ethnic Studies Center, and Liberty Hall.
Today, more than 4,860 students are pursuing business degrees at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Hines Hall is the new
College of Business and Public Management building rising on Morris Avenue on the main campus. It will house all of KeanAbout Tonys undergraduate and graduate business programs as well as a wide
variety of state-of-the-art resources including smart classrooms and study lounges, a "Bloomberg room" where students can work on the Bloomberg business intelligence software, a virtual "library in the sky,"
and a rooftop deck with a view of New York City.
Tennesaw State University, Coles College of Business (United States)
King's College, College of Business (United States)
Lane College, Jackson TN (United States)
Lehigh University, College of Business and Economics (United States)
LeMoyne-Owen College (United Statess)
Long Island University Post Campus, School of Business (United States)
Louisiana State University. E.J. Ourso College of Business (United States)
Louisiana Tech University, College of Business (United States)
Loyola Marymount University, College of Business Administration (United States)
Loyola University Chicago, Quinlan School of Business (United States)
Loyola University in Maryland, Sellinger School of Business (United States)
Loyola University New Orleans, College of Business (United States)
Maharishi University of Management (United States)
Manhattan College, School of Business (United States)
Marquette University, College of Business Administration (United States)
Metropolitan State University of Denver - College of Business (United States)
Michigan State University, Eli Broad College of Business (United States)
Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Graduate School (United States)
Mississippi State University, College of Business (United States)
Mississippi Valley State University (United States)
Missouri Valley College (United States)
MIT Sloan School of Management (United States)
Montclair State University, The Feliciano School of Business (United States)
Monte Ahuja College of Business- Cleveland State University (United States)
Murray State University, Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business (United States)
Naval Postgraduate School (United States)
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Martin Tuchman School of Management (United States)
Newman University (United States)
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (United States)
New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business (United States)
Nichols College (United States)
North Carolina State University, Poole College of Management (United States)
Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business (United States)
Northern Michigan University, College of Business (United States)
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management (United States)
Oklahoma Panhandle State University (United States)
Oakland University, School of Business (United States)
Ohio Northern University, College of Business (United States)
Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business (United States)
Ohio University, College of Business (United States)
Ohio Valley University (United States)
Oklahoma State University, William S. Spears School of Business (United States)
Oregon State University, College of Business (United States)
Pace University, Lubin School of Business (United States)
Pacific Islands University (Guam) (United States)
Penn State University Smeal College of Business (United States)
The Pennsylvania State University Penn State or PSU, 97,000 + 47,000 (University Park), 9,000 academic staffn through 24 campuses and online through its World Campus.
is a state land-grant university with campuses and facilities throughout Pennsylvania. Founded in 1855 as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania,
Penn State conducts teaching, research, and public service. Its instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing
education offered through resident instruction and online delivery. Its University Park campus, the flagship campus, lies within the Borough of State
College and College Township, Pennsylvania. It has two law schools: Penn State Law, on the school's University Park campus, and Dickinson Law, located
in Carlisle, 90 miles south of State College. The College of Medicine is located in Hershey, PA. Penn State has another 19 commonwealth campuses and 5
special mission campuses located across PA.
Penn State has been labeled one of the "Public Ivies," a publicly funded university considered as
providing a quality of education comparable to those of the Ivy League. Annual enrollment at the University Park campus totals more than 46,800 graduate
and undergraduate students, making it one of the largest universities in the United States. It has the world's largest dues-paying alumni association.
The university offers more than 160 majors among all its campuses. The university's research expenditures totaled $836 million during the 2016 fiscal year.
Annually, the university hosts the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (THON), which is the world's largest student-run philanthropy. This event is held at the
Bryce Jordan Center on the University Park campus. In 2014, THON raised a program record of $13.3 million. The university's athletics teams compete in Division I of the
NCAA and are collectively known as the Penn State Nittany Lions. They compete in the Big Ten Conference for most sports. Wikipedia
Penn State University
Image: PSU Main Campus Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
201 Old Main, University Park, PA 16802 PLEXUSS The Global Student Network.
Pepperdine University, Graziadio Business School (United States)
Purdue University Calumet , College of Business (United States)
Purdue University, Krannert School of Management (United States)
Ramapo College of New Jersey, Anisfield School of Business (United States)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management (United States)
Rice University, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business (United States)
Rochester Institute of Technology, Saunders College of Business (United States)
Rust College (United States)
Rutgers Business School, State University of New Jersey (United States)
Saint Joseph's University, Erivan K. Haub School of Business (United States)
Saint Louis University, Richard A. Chaifetz School of Management (United States)
Saint Xavier University, Graham School of Management (United States)
Sam Houston State University, College of Business Administration (United States)
Samford University, Brock School of Business (United States)
San Diego State University, Fowler College of Business (United States)
San Francisco State University - College of Business (United States)
Santa Clara University, Leavey School of Business (United States)
School of Business-La Salle University (United States)
Seattle University, Albers School of Business and Economics (United States)
Seton Hall University, W. Paul Stillman School of Business (United States)
Siena College, School of Business (United States)
Southeastern Oklahoma State University, John Massey School of Business (United States)
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, SIU College of Business (United States)
Southern Methodist University, SMU Cox School of Business (United States)
Southern University at New Orleans (United States)
Southern Utah University, School of Business (United States)
St. John's University, Tobin College of Business (United States)
St. Mary's University, Greehey School of Business (United States)
Stanford University, Stanford Graduate School of Business (United States)
State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Business School (United States)
State University of New York, Binghamton University (United States)
State University of New York, Farmingdale School of Business (United States)
Sterling College, KS (United States)
Stetson University, College of Business (United States)
Stevens Institute of Technology, School of Business (United States)
Suffolk University, Sawyer Business School (United States)
Swarthgnore College is a private liberal arts college in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Founded in 1864, with its first classes held in 1869, Swarthmore is one of the earliest coeducational colleges in the United States. It was established
as a college under the Religious Society of Friends.[9] By 1906, Swarthmore had dropped its religious affiliation and officially became non-sectarian.
Swarthmore is known for its Quaker roots and mission. Besides its great academic opportunities,
the college's beautiful 425-acre campus is a nationally registered arboretum with rolling wooded hills. Iconic Parrish Hall is the heart of the Swarthmore campus.
Penn State or PSU, 97,000 + 47,000 (University Park), 9,000 academic staffn through 24 campuses and online through its World Campus.
is a state land-grant university with campuses and facilities throughout Pennsylvania. Founded in 1855 as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania,
Penn State conducts teaching, research, and public service. Its instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing
education offered through resident instruction and online delivery. Its University Park campus, the flagship campus, lies within the Borough of State
College and College Township, Pennsylvania. It has two law schools: Penn State Law, on the school's University Park campus, and Dickinson Law, located
in Carlisle, 90 miles south of State College. The College of Medicine is located in Hershey, PA. Penn State has another 19 commonwealth campuses and 5
special mission campuses located across PA.
Penn State has been labeled one of the "Public Ivies," a publicly funded university considered as
providing a quality of education comparable to those of the Ivy League. Annual enrollment at the University Park campus totals more than 46,800 graduate
and undergraduate students, making it one of the largest universities in the United States. It has the world's largest dues-paying alumni association.
Syracuse University, Whitman School of Management (United States)
Temple University, Fox School of Business (United States)
Texas A&M International University, Sanchez, Jr. School of Business (United States)
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School (United States)
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, College of Business (United States)
Texas Christian University, School of Business (United States)
Texas State University (United States)
Texas Tech University, Rawls College of Business (United States)
Texas Wesleyan University, School of Business Administration (United States)
Tocca Falls College, GA (United States)
Thunderbird School of Global Management (United States)
Tulane University, A.B. Freeman School of Business (United States)
University at Buffalo, SUNY, UB School of Management (United States)
University of Akron, College of Business (United States)
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Collat School of Business (United States)
University of Alabama, Culverhouse College of Commerce (United States)
University of Alaska Anchorage, UAA College of Business and Public Policy (United States)
University of Alaska Fairbanks, UAF School of Management (United States)
University of Arizona, Eller College of Management (United States)
University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business (United States)
University of Baltimore, Merrick School of Business (United States)
University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business (United States)
University of California Davis, Davis Graduate School of Management (United States)
University of California Irvine, Paul Merage School of Business (United States)
University of California Los Angeles, John E. Anderson School of Management (United States)
University of California Riverside, A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management (United States)
University of California San Diego (United States)
University of Central Florida, College of Business Administration (United States)
University of Central Missouri, Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies(United States)
University of Central Oklahoma, College of Business (United States)
University of Chicago, Booth School of Business (United States)
University of Cincinnati, Carl H. Lindner College of Business (United States)
University of Colorado at Boulder, Leeds School of Business (United States)
University of Colorado Colorado Springs, College of Business (United States)
University of Colorado Denver, Business School (United States)
University of Connecticut, UConn School of Business (United States)
University of Dayton, School of Business Administration (United States)
University of Delaware, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics (United States)
University of Denver, Daniels College of Business (United States)
University of Dubuque, School of Business (United States)
University of Evansville, Schroeder School of Business (United States)
University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Administration (United States)
University of Georgia, Terry College of Business (United States)
University of Guam School of Business & Public Administration (United States)
University of Guam 4,000 students, 200 academic staff
was founded in 1952 as a two-year teacher-training school. In 1960, the college moved to the present campus in the central
district of Mangilao. In 1965, the college was accredited as a four-year degree granting institution. It was designated as a land grant institution by the United States Congress in 1972.
The University offers thirty-four degree programs at the undergraduate level and eleven master's level programs. Of the university's 3,387 students, 94% are of Asian-Pacific Islander ethnicity and nearly
72% are full-time (fall 2012 figures).
The School of Business & Public Administration's (SBPA) mission is aligned with the University of GuamAbout Tonys Statement of Greatness. As a Land Grant institution, the University
provides programs and outreach opportunities that integrate SBPA and its students into the fabric of the community and the development of regional economies. The liberal arts setting and General Education
requirements of the University are integral to SBPA professional degree programs and curricula. In its mission commitment to teaching, service and research, SBPA is dedicated to the success of its students
by providing quality bachelorAbout Tonys and masterAbout Tonys degree programs in business administration, criminal justice and public administration. The School is a repository of knowledge for economic and business issues,
where scholarship and service support and enhance its educational programs. The School encourages faculty and students to undertake applied research and provide community and university services for the
benefit of businesses and public agencies on Guam and in the region. The School plays an important role in providing needed services to the community and University through small business development, conferences,
seminars and professional consulting to business and government. (SBPA's website.)
University of Hartford, Barney School of Business (United States)
University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Business and Economics (United States)
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Shidler College of Business (United States)
University of Hawaii West Oahu, Business Administration (United States)
University of Houston, C.T. Bauer School of Business (United States)
University of Houston-Downtown, Davis School of Business (United States)
University of Idaho, College of Business and Economics (United States)
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Business Administration (United States)
University of Illinois, Gies College of Business (United States)
University of Kansas, School of Business (United States)
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics (United States)
University of Louisville, College of Business (United States)
University of Maine, Maine Business School (United States)
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business (United States)
University of Massachusetts Boston (United States)
University of Massachussets Amherst, Isenberg School of Management (United States)
University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business and Economics (United States)
University of Mendoza, College of Business (United States)
University of Miami, Miami Business School (United States)
University of Michigan, Ross School of Business (United States)
University of Minnesota, Curtis L. Carlson School of Business (United States)
University of Mississippi, Ole Miss School of Business (United States)
University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration (United States)
University of Missouri, Robert J. Trulaske Senior College of Business (United States)
University of Montana, College of Business (United States)
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Lee Business School (United States)
University of New Mexico, Anderson School of Management (United States)
University of North Carolina at Asheville (United States)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan Flagler Business School (United States)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Belk College of Business (United States)
University of North Carolina at Greenboro, Bryan School of Business & Economics (United States)
University of North Dakota, College of Business & Public Administration (United States)
University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business (United States)
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School (United States)
University of Pittsburg, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business (United States)
University of Rhode Island, College of Business (United States)
University of Richmond, Robins School of Business (United States)
University of Rochester, Simon Business School (United States)
University of San Diego, USD Business School (United States)
University of San Francisco, School of Management (United States)
University of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of Business (United States)
University of South Dakota, Beacon School of Business (United States)
University of Southern California, USC Marshall School of Business (United States)
University of Tampa, John H. Sykes College of Business (United States)
University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Haslam College of Business (United States)
University of Texas at Arlington, College of Business (United States)
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business (United States)
University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management (United States)
University of Texas at El Paso, College of Business Administration (United States)
University of Texas at San Antonio, UTSA College of Business (United States)
University of Toledo, College of Business and Innovation (United States)
University of Tulsa, Collins College of Business (United States)
University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business (United States)
University of Vermont, Grossman School of Business (United States)
University of Virginia, Darden School of Business (United States)
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster Business School (United States)
University of West Florida, College of Business (United States)
University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin School of Business (United States)
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, College of Business (United States)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, College of Business (United States)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, College of Business Administration (United States)
University of Wisconsin-Parkside, College of Business, Economics, and Computing (United States)
University of Wyoming, College of Business (United States)
Utah Valley University, Woodbury School of Business (United States)
Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management (United States)
Villanova University, Villanova School of Business (United States)
Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business (United States)
Warner University (United States)
Washington Adventist University (United States)
Washington State University, Carson College of Business (United States)
Washington University in Saint Louis, John M. Olin Business School (United States)
Wayne State University, School of Business (United States)
Wesleyan College, Macon GA (United States)
West Virginia University, College of Business and Economics (United States)
Western Carolina University College of Business (United States)
Western Carolina University (WCU) is a public university in Cullowhee, North Carolina, as part of the University of North Carolina system. It is fifth oldest institution of the sixteen four-year universities
of the UNC-Ssystem. WCU's students come from 48 states and 35 countries. WCU is one of three schools of the NC Promise Tuition Plan, a tuition-reduction plan to make universities more affordable
and accessible. The other two schools are Elizabeth City State University and University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The NC Promise began in the fall semester of 2018 and drastically reduces the tuition cost
for students. In-state students pay $500 per semester, out-of-state students $2,500. Attendance has increased for three consecutive years with total attendance as of Fall 2019 at 10,469 undergraduate and 1,698
graduate students.
Intercollegiate athletics include football, men and women's basketball, baseball, softball, women's soccer, men and women's golf, men and women's track and field (Indoor and Outdoor), cross country running,
women's volleyball and tennis. WCU's Catamount football team is a member of Division I FCS and plays at Whitmire Stadium. Source: Wikipedia
Western Carolina University
Western Kentucky University, Gordon Ford School of Business (United States)
Western Michigan University, Haworth College of Business (United States)
Willamette University, Atkinson Graduate School of Management (United States)
William and Mary, Mason School of Business (United States)
Williams School of Commerce, Economic, and Politics- Washington and Lee University (United States)
Woodbury University, School of Business (United States)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Robert A. Foisie Business School (United States)
Xavier University, Williams College of Business (United States)
Yale School of Management (United States)
York College of Pennsylvania (United States)
Universidad Catolica del Uruguay, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales (Uruguay)
Universidad de la Empresa, Faculty of Business Studies (Uruguay)
Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y de Administracion (Uruguay)
Universidad de Montevideo, IEEM Business School (Uruguay)
Universidad Ort, Facultad de Administracion y Ciencias Sociales (Uruguay)
Revans University (Vanuatu)
University of the South Pacific (Campus Emalus) (Vanuatu)
University of the Virgin Islands, School of Business (Virgin Island, USA)